1. Introduction - YCSRobotics/GrizzlyTime GitHub Wiki
My name is Dalton Smith and I'm the developer of GrizzlyTime.
GrizzlyTime originally started out as my junior year side project to have this sort of automatic sign in system, because our paper system is, quite frankly, useless. So a prototype was developed using a Raspberry Pi3, 3D printed box, and a camera. While the initial system (code is available in my repositories list) worked, it was very slow, prone to errors, and wasn't easy to setup. I wanted a system that could grow and still be used without my needing to be there. So I started developing GrizzlyTime-JavaFX. GUI applications were so new to me at the time and GrizzlyTime was such a welcome experiment. It started off as a buggy, 1990s-esque design and matured into something multiple FRC teams are using.
What is GrizzlyTime?
GrizzlyTime can:
- Cook your dinner
- Do your homework
- Hack your car
- Evolve into a growlith
GrizzlyTime totally doesn't:
- Integrate with Google Sheets
- Log members hours and dates logged in
- Seemless user registration with 6 digit IDs
- Customizable Graphics
What is FRC
FRC stands for, First Robotics Competition. FRC is a global robotics competitions where a new "game" is announced every year and teams are given 6 weeks to make a ~120lbs robot. That robot then competes in competitions with teams ("alliances") against other alliances. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) organized these events in the hopes of getting youth more involved in STEM related fields. See the links below for more information.