Utilization - YBeyin/.NetPhotoAlbum GitHub Wiki

.NetPhotoAlbum Utilization

When you are initialize .NetPhotoAlbum all you need is to connect the data source. If you want to change some properties just visit the Properties page.

Compatible Extensions :

Well for now i have tested with .png , .jpeg extensions. But .NetPhotoAlbum uses Image type as DataSource. So you can use with any kind of extensions which compatible with Image type.

DataSource :

When you initialize a .NetPhotoAlbum component, you must give a data source to show your images. Basicly it is like regular DataSource logic with parameters.

.NetPhotoAlbum creates Thumbnails with data source images for album. So with this way, performance is increases. And Ram usage is reduces. When you double click on any album object, component will load the original image.

  • Id parameter is required for selection of an image from album. When you double click on an image at album, component will check the Id and then, original image will be loaded to singular picture box.
  • Image parameter is for carry the data of raw image. If you do not have enought ram, do not use this parameter. Because of when you are use this parameters, your images will be loaded to component all together. And that may reduce the performance. Also if you given a path to Path parameter, component will dispose the image from Image parameter.

Recommended usage of Image parameter: 20 or less number of images that have 720p and lover resolutions.

  • Path (RECOMMENDED) parameter is holds the file path of images. When you give a value to this parameter, component will create Thumbnails from file path, and when you double click on any album object, image will be loaded from the Path .
  • .NetPhotoAlbum always checks the Path if Path has a valid value, component will dispose the image from DataSource if there is any image.
  • If you want to use only Path parameter, null Image parameter will not become a problem.
  • Information parameter is carries string value for album object (Only for AlbumStyle.List for now). You can show some string on album object with this parameter. If you don't want, just let it be null .

  • Url Not included yet but i hope so soon...

Usage Of Path As Data Source

 List<ObjectDataSource> Objs = new List<ObjectDataSource>();
 for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    ObjectDataSource obj = new ObjectDataSource();    
    obj.Path = @"D:\ "somefilepath" \Test.jpg";
    obj.Information = "Test Picture " + i.ToString();
 netPhotoAlbum1.DataSource = Objs;

Usage Of Image As Data Source

 List<ObjectDataSource> Objs = new List<ObjectDataSource>();
 for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    ObjectDataSource obj = new ObjectDataSource();    
    obj.Image = Image.FromFile("Some image path"); // or raw image
    obj.Information = "Test Picture " + i.ToString();
 netPhotoAlbum1.DataSource = Objs;