Installation - YBeyin/.NetPhotoAlbum GitHub Wiki

There is 3 way to install .NetPhotoAlbum

Include as project to your solution :

  1. Download the .NetPhotoAlbum as NetPhotoAlbum folder from home page.
  2. Open your solution in Visual Studio.
  3. In the Solution Explorer , Right click on your solution \ Add \ Existing Project then browse for NetPhotoAlbum and select the project file.
  4. Re-build your solution then .NetPhotoAlbum components will be appear in your toolbox.

Add to your toolbox for general use (Recommended) :

  1. Download the .NetPhotoAlbum as NetPhotoAlbum folder from home page.
  2. Go to NetPotoAlbum \ bin \ Relase folder.
  3. You will see there is 2 file in this folder.
  • NetPhotoAlbum for toolbox
  1. Copy them to a permanent folder that will be not removed or deleted.
  2. Open your Visual Studio.
  3. On your ToolBox right click to anywhere and then click to Choose Items
  4. In the .NET Framework Components tab, browse for your folder that includes NetPhotoAlbum.dll, then select the .dll and press ok.
  5. .NetPhotoAlbum components will be appear in your toolbox.
  • .NetPhotoAlbum component in toolbox.

Install via NuGet Manager :

  • Soon!