Installation - YBeyin/.NetPhotoAlbum GitHub Wiki
There is 3 way to install .NetPhotoAlbum
Include as project to your solution :
- Download the .NetPhotoAlbum as NetPhotoAlbum folder from home page.
- Open your solution in Visual Studio.
- In the Solution Explorer , Right click on your solution \ Add \ Existing Project then browse for NetPhotoAlbum and select the project file.
- Re-build your solution then .NetPhotoAlbum components will be appear in your toolbox.
Add to your toolbox for general use (Recommended) :
- Download the .NetPhotoAlbum as NetPhotoAlbum folder from home page.
- Go to NetPotoAlbum \ bin \ Relase folder.
- You will see there is 2 file in this folder.
- Copy them to a permanent folder that will be not removed or deleted.
- Open your Visual Studio.
- On your ToolBox right click to anywhere and then click to Choose Items
- In the .NET Framework Components tab, browse for your folder that includes NetPhotoAlbum.dll, then select the .dll and press ok.
- .NetPhotoAlbum components will be appear in your toolbox.
Install via NuGet Manager :
- Soon!