Build Module Package from Source - YAFNET/YAFNET-DNN GitHub Wiki

Create Module Package from Source with Visual Studio

You can compile the YAF Module and Create the DNN Extension Install Package with Visual Studio Installed, all you need to do is..

  1. Download The Latest YAF DNN Module Source Code from the Release Version. Or if you want to use the latest Source Code from the Repository go to Source Control and download the Latest Source.
  2. Extract The Zip File anywhere you want on your Computer (for example "C:\YAF"
  3. Download the The Latest YAF Source Code from the Release Version. Or if you want to use the latest Source Code from the Repository go to Source Control and download the Latest Source from the stable branch. 4 Extract the zip file in the same folder as you extracted the dnn module source
  4. Open the YAF.DotNetNuke.Module.sln Solution File in the "yaf_dnn" folder and Compile the Module in Release Mode and the Install Package will be created in the "yaf_dnn"\Packages folder

Create Module Package from Source without Visual Studio

You can compile the YAF Module and Create the DNN Extension Install Package without having Visual Studio Installed (You need .NET Framework v4.5.2 installed on your PC), all you need to do is..

Download The Latest Source Code from the Repository go to Source Control and download the Latest Source.

  1. Extract The Zip File anywhere you want on your Computer
  2. Then Run the File BuildModule.bat (in the "yaf_dnn" folder) the comand prompt opens an compiles the Module when Finished the Install Package will be created in the "yaf_dnn"\Packages folder