"$?" - Y-in-Y/inyang GitHub Wiki
Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 0: command not found
-> 이전에 정상종료됐을 경우 "0" ;
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 0: command not found
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 127: command not found
-> 이전 명령의 에러메시지가 Command not found 였을 경우 "127" ;
bash-3.2$ <
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 258: command not found
-> 이전 명령의 에러메시지가 Syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'일 경우 258 ;
bash-3.2$ ls a
ls: a: No such file or directory
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 1: command not found
-> 이전 명령의 에러메시지가 No such file or directory 일 경우 1 ;
bash-3.2$ cat -e
^\Quit: 3
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 131: command not found
bash-3.2$ cat
tes^\Quit: 3 //tes 를 치다가 ctrl + \ 한 경우
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 131: command not found
-> ctrl + \ 로 종료시켰을 경우 131 ;
bash-3.2$ cat -e
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 130: command not found
-> ctrl + C 로 종료시켰을 경우 130 ;
bash-3.2$ cat -e
bash-3.2$ $?
bash: 0: command not found
-> ctrl + D 로 종료시켰을 경우 0 ;