PBusiness.NotifySystem - XxLMM13xXgaming/pro_business GitHub Wiki


This function will send a message in chat (or server/client console) to the directed player(s)


For this function there are 3 args...

ply, type, message

ply: The player entity you want to get the message... This also supports strings like "*" (to send to everyone), "staff" to send to staff only, and lastly "console" to send to consoles (server AND client)

type: The type of message... you can either do numbers or strings... Strings you can use are "error" (0), "generic" (1), and "success" (2)

message: Well... this is the message you want to send... you should get this part...

Code example

PBusiness.NotifySystem(ply, "success", "Good job! You did it!")

The code above will send a notify to the ply saying "Good job! You did it!" with a green title!