Comment functions - Xwilarg/BooruSharp GitHub Wiki

The following information allows you to interact with the comments from the Booru websites

(Please make not that feature isn't available for all Booru.)

GetComment return an array of comment given a post ID. If there is no comment the array will be empty.

Task<Search.Comment.SearchResult[]> GetComment(int postId);

GetLastComment return an array of the last comments published on the Booru

Task<Search.Comment.SearchResult[]> GetLastComment();

BooruSharp.Comment.SearchResult is a structure containing the following data:

  • uint commentId: The ID of the comment
  • uint postId: The ID of the post the comment is related to
  • uint authorId: The ID of the author of the comment
  • DateTime creation: The date when the comment was created
  • string authorName: The name of the author of the comment. Will be Anonymous if the author is anonymous.
  • string body: The comment