URLs - Xsear/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Firefall deals with a lot of different servers and backends. To better handle things they use DNS to create nice URLs, but in the end it's still quite a machinery which this page should help understand and record.


Having multiple environments, multiple physical locations and many different versions requires some form of variables.


  • mainbuild - Used for early internal development
  • production - Used for release
  • publictest - Used for PTS


  • prognew - Used for internal Main Build environment
  • beta - Used for release and PTS in Closed Beta
  • stabilization - Used for the old PTS
  • designprod - Used for the current PTS


  • build number - Increases for every build
  • revision number - 0 by default, increases for real hotfixes

AWS Locations 1

  • v01-ew1 - Europe West 1
  • v01-uw1 - USA West 1
  • v01-uw2 - USA West 2
  • v01-ue1 - USA East 1

AWS Locations 2

  • vpc01.eu-west-1 - Europe West 1
  • vpc01.us-west-1 - USA West 1
  • vpc01.us-west-2 - USA West 2
  • vpc01.us-east-1 - USA East 1