Ravioli Game Tools - Xsear/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Ravioli Game Tools is a set of applications that for Firefall purposes, allow easy browsing of Wwise banks (BNK).



To quickly extract the files of a bnk file, use the RExtractor.exe application in the suite. This program will allow selecting as many source input files as you desire. It works like a Lite version of the Explorer with the sole purpose of mass extracting.

  1. Select Browse for Input file(s).
  2. Select ALL the bnk files for Firefall.
  3. Select Browse for Output directory and select a root folder to extract to.
  4. Check Create subdirectory for current archive. This keeps things organized by creating a new subfolder named after each bnk file that had any valid files to extract, then the extracted files are placed inside of it.
  5. Check and Select Convert sound to: Wave. This is the common format that both WWISEV and WWISEP files can support. WWISEP cannot support OGG conversions directly so to prevent errors and to have all the files extracted at once, Wave is used.
  6. Check and select Archive type: Wwise Sound Bank. This speeds up extraction times by telling the program ahead of time what file types to expect instead of having it scan through them and determine what each one is.
  7. Check Allow scanning of unknown files.
  8. Select Start and let the application begin the extraction process.


One can extract all the Wwise Sound Banks at once by using the command below:

RExtractorConsole.exe <srcdir>\*.bnk <destdir> /subdir /soundformat:wav /extract /archivetype:"Wwise Sound Bank"


To extract or view the files within a bnk file, RExplorer.exe can be used.

  1. Select the Open File option from the top left.
  2. Switch the Filter to Wwise Sound Bank (*.bnk).
  3. Browse to your directory containing the bank files.
  4. Select the first bank file and open it.
  5. Once it finishes loading (which is typically nearly instant) select Extract at the top.
  6. Select a destination folder.
  7. To keep things organized, Check Create subdirectory for current archive, and use Convert sound to: Wave. The reason for using Wave over Ogg Vorbis is WWISE_P files are not able to be directly converted to Ogg and must first be in Wav format. You can always convert down to the lossy Ogg format later on anyways!
  8. Once the extraction is complete, select Open File and pick the next file in the list and repeat until you have all the files extracted.

Unfortunately only a single bank can be opened at a time with this application. But it exports with more metadata than other programs I've found so far and allows for much higher qualities.


To dig more into the contents of a bank file the RScanner.exe application can be used. It allows viewing the entire structure of bank files including raw data (.dat) files.



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