IDA - Xsear/Documentation GitHub Wiki

The Interactive DisAssembler (IDA) is a Windows, Linux or Mac OS X hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger that offers so many features it is hard to describe them all. Is the industry standard reverse engineering tool.

The commercial Hex-Rays Decompiler converts native processor code into a human readable C-like pseudocode text and makes IDA itself a lot more powerful.


Useful Plugins

IDA Patcher

IDA Patcher is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's ability to patch binary files and memory. The plugin is useful for tasks related to malware analysis, exploit development as well as bug patching. IDA Patcher blends into the standard IDA user interface through the addition of a subview and several menu items.

GitHub (mirror)


Places structure defs, names, labels, and comments to make more sense of class and structure vftables ("Virtual Function Table"). Lists found RTTI structures and C++ classes in a window for browsing.

Sourceforge | GitHub
