Annii - Xsear/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Annii is a viewer, editor and converter for the R5A UI animation format and was written by Arkii.



Converting a R5A to a OBJ file

  1. Drag and drop the R5A file onto the window or open it with the Import button.
  2. Check the Export Helpers box if you want dummy objects to be placed at the target and camera location in the exported OBJ file. Can be helpful when studying a file.
  3. Click Export and save it where you want. Simples.

Converting a OBJ to a R5A file

  1. Ensure that the OBJ file you are converting has only one object in it.
  2. Drop it on the window or import it.
  3. Edit the General Info to have your name.
  4. Export

General Viewing

  • In free cam mode use W,A,S,D to move and right click and drag on the preview window to change where your looking.
  • For free cam mode change Camera->Orthographic to false, other wise the camera will not appear to move.
  • To preview a texture on the model set the render mode to textured or wire frame shaded, then drag a texture on to the window.
