Install XioScript 12 - XiozZe/XioScript GitHub Wiki

How to install

This page will explain how to make your new gadget fully operational.

Userscript Add-on

To be able to install a userscript, we need an add-on for the browser. Every browser works differently, so that's why there are different add-ons.

Firefox has the Greasemonkey add-on. Add it here, install it and restart your browser.

For chrome, install your Tampermonkey add-on here.

Safari uses Tampermonkey as well: here.

Adding XioScript

To install XioScript, go to the XS12.user.js of this github, and press on "Raw". Your add-on will ask to install the script.

Now, check your virtonomics unit list to see if it is installed correctly!


As from version 10.1, XioScript will automatically update. Greasymonkey and Tampermonkey both have a default daily check for updates for all installed userscripts. When Greasymonkey updates, the effect is immediately visible, but when Tampermonkey updates, you will have to wait an unknown amount of time before the cache with the old script is updated.