Class documentation - XilefTech/CharlieOSX GitHub Wiki

Class CharlieOSX

'CharlieOSX' is the head-class of this whole project. In this class all the other methods come together and get initialized correctly.


Param Description Value-Type Standard/Recommended
configPath path to the config File in the project String 'config.cfg'
settingsPath path to the settings File on the brick String 'settings.json'
logFilePath path to the folder for the logs, when empty, default to logs String ''


Method Description
storeSettings Writes the given data as a json stream to the file at given location
loadSettings returns a dict of the settings from the given path
applySettings applies the current settings to take effect

Class Logger

'Logger' is our custom-made Logger to log data both in the console and to a .log file for analysation of errors.


Param Description Value-Type
config the parsed config Dictionary
settings the parsed settings Dictionary
fileLocation path to the folder for the logs, when empty, default to logs String


Method Description
getFormattedTime Returns the current time, formatted as [DD.MM.YYYY-hh:mm:ss]
debug Prints a message to both the log and the console with a [debug] tag
info see debug, but with [info] tag
warn see debug, but with [warn] tag and creates a popup on-sreen
error same as warn, but with [error] tag
getScreenRefreshNeeded returns wether or not the screen needs to be refreshed to override old text
setScreenRefreshNeeded used to set the Variable for screen refreshing

Class Robot

'Robot' is the class that does all the driving including interpreting number-codes.


Param Description Value-Type
config the parsed config Dictionary
settings the parsed settings Dictionary
brick initialized EV3-Brick EV3-Brick Class
logger initialized logger Logger Class


Method Description
execute Interprets the number codes and calls the functions below accordingly
breakMotors stops all driving-motors
turn turns the robot
straight drives a straight line whilst self-correcting with gyro-data
intervall drives back and forth in a straight line
curve drives a curve calculated by robot-move-distance and total curve angle
toColor drives straight until a (or multiple) color sensor(s) see a given color
toWall drives straight until a button-sensor is pressed
action drives the action motors or a gearing port

Class UI

'UI' is the class that contains all the user interface stuff for the GUI on the brick display.


Param Description Value-Type
config the parsed config Dictionary
settings the parsed settings Dictionary
brick initialized EV3-Brick EV3-Brick Class
logger initialized logger Logger Class
settingsPath path to the settings File on the brick String


Method Description
mainloop method that puts all pieces of the UI together
drawMenu draws a Menu
drawScrollBar sub-method for drawing a scroll-bar on the side
drawSettings sub-method for drawing the settings sub-menu
animate sub-method to draw the transitioning animation
drawDictlist lists a Dictionary on the screen
drawList draws a List on the screen
drawExtendableList draws a List on the screen with a little + symbol at the end to extend it