Uploading Images - radiantlab/HDRICalibrationTool GitHub Wiki

On the "Upload Images" page of the app, there is a region at the top to drag and drop image files onto to upload. Alternatively, you can click the "Browse" button to upload images.

Either method accepts multiple images to be uploaded at a time.

Please note:

  • All images must be the same file extension (e.g. .jpg, .png, .cr2)
  • Uploading a large number of files at a time may cause the program to hang-- please wait a few seconds for the images to load into the application.
  • You must upload at least 2 images. HDRgen (which does the merging) wants at least 2 images else it will throw an error and the pipeline will fail.
  • Uploaded image paths are not cached across sessions.

Each image uploaded displays the file name. You can remove any image you have uploaded by clicking on the "Remove" button.

The total number of images currently uploaded is displayed at the bottom left of the page.

You can use the "Remove All" button in the bottom right of the page to clear the uploaded images list.


Optionally, you can show a small image preview as shown in the screenshot above, by enabling the "Show image previews" checkbox in the "Settings" page. This can impact performance when uploading an image or multiple images at once, so by default it is turned off.
