Running the Pipeline - radiantlab/HDRICalibrationTool GitHub Wiki

Once you have uploaded all of your images to merge, the camera settings, and any necessary calibration and response function files, you can click the green "Go" button on the left sidebar in the app.

Missing files and empty fields

If there is an issue with your input, the pipeline will not start and you will be told what needs to change.


Invalid files

If you have uploaded a calibration or response function file and it is telling you that it it invalid, it may be formatted incorrectly or missing a variable definition-- see the '~\HDRICalibrationTool\examples\inputs\parameters' directory for examples of each file. For specific formatting, see Clotilde Pierson's research paper linked in the "Home" page of this GitHub Wiki.


Successful pipeline start

Once all your input is valid, upon clicking the "Go" button, a progress bar window will appear showing you the progress of the pipeline.


  • On some machines, merging exposures may take a few minutes.
  • On Windows, you may see multiple terminal windows open and close rapidly-- that is caused by the Radiance software.


Cancelling an active pipeline process

If you would like to cancel the current pipeline, click the red "Cancel" button in the progress bar window.

The cancellation of the pipeline may not be instantaneous. The cancel will be queued, and once the currently-running step in the pipeline completes, the pipeline will cancel.


