Common Input Settings - Xeogin/HL2DM-Community-Patch GitHub Wiki
Buttons are bound with the command bind keybind action
- for example, bind w +forward
will move the player forward. The plus "+" symbol means that the action will be performed as long as the button is held, with "-" triggering when the button is released.
- A key release action can be executed after a button is held with the minus "-" state; while this isn't useful for standard keybinds, this may be useful for alias creation.
- You cannot have more than one actively held-down (plus) command per alias.
- Both actions and/or aliases can be bound to as many keys as you want.
- Aliases don't need to be bound in order to be registered.
- Quotes are needed for commands with spaces or with aliases.
bind g "say Good Game!"
A much more in-depth explanation for keybindings, aliases, and common scripts can be found in the TF2 Wiki's Scripting Article.
Gameplay Preferences
cl_autowepswitch 0
- prevents picking up weapons from the ground, aside from the bug when you pick up ammo for an empty weaponcl_defaultweapon weapon_frag
- Spawn holding throwable frag grenades instead of the SMG, as it's a good starting weapon when combined with the Gravity Gun Def. "weapon_smg1"cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_01.mdl
- Your preferred player model choicehud_fastswitch 1
- Removes the HUD element that opens a weapon category bind is pressed, causing a delayhud_quickinfo 0
- Removes the health and ammo counter near the crosshair. Not only does it add extra clutter, it also isn't centered properlysensitivity
- Base mouse sensitivity; lower is more precise, but higher will let you do advanced movement tricks more easily (like circle jumping).
Weapon Binds
- Scroll wheel weapon selection and weapon groups are slower than direct weapon binds, especially with hud_fastswitch disabled (
hud_fastswitch 0
; default game behavior) - You'll be using weapon binds often, so keep these as close to your movement keys as possible for easy access
Weapon Slots
: Crowbar > Stun Stick > Physcannon/Grav Gunslot2
: Pistol > .357 Magnum/Revolverslot3
: SMG > AR2 Pulse Rifle > Debug Cubemap / Custom Guns Server Plugin Weapon Selectorslot4
: Crossbow > Shotgunslot5
: Frag Grenade > RPG > SLAM
The weapon switcher interface can be removed with hud_fastswitch 1
, while still maintaining functionality. This will let you quickly swap to your team's melee weapon without needing to separately bind both weapons, for example.
Once you're familiar with the weapons of Deathmatch, it's recommended to directly bind weapons instead to remove the delay of messing with weapon groups.
Direct Weapon Binds
"Scrolling weapons is cheating - cheating yourself of a better gaming experience!" - TheNewGuy
Ideally, the fastest way to equip a weapon is to bind it directly.
For example, if you want to equip a SLAM, bind 6 use_weapon_slam
will effectively skip past two weapons in its weapon group selection UI, and also bypass a previously required left-click (+attack
) to actually confirm the weapon selection (hud_fastswitch is disabled by default).
As you can see, binding a weapon to a key instead will bypass all of that nonsense above, and is very advantageous to the point where it should have been a default in the first place.
It should be noted that while you can create your own custom weapon groups with the commands below in an alias, the game will not keep track of what weapons you have in your inventory, which can be an annoyance in between deaths.
use weapon_crowbar
- Crowbaruse weapon_stunstick
- Stun Stickuse weapon_physcannon
- Gravity Gunuse weapon_pistol
- Pistoluse weapon_357
- .357 Magnum Revolveruse weapon_smg1
- SMGuse weapon_ar2
- AR2 Pulse Rifleuse weapon_cubemap
Debug Cubemap / Custom Guns Server Plugin Weapon Selectoruse weapon_shotgun
- Shotgunuse weapon_crossbow
- Crossbowuse weapon_frag
- Thrown Fragmentation Grenadeuse weapon_rpg
- RPGuse weapon_slam
- SLAM (S.L.A.M); throwable trip-mine
Misc. Binds
- Jump; it's a good idea to bind jump to your scroll wheel (bind mwheeldown +jump
orbind mwheelup +jump
) for easy bunnyhopping+voicerecord
- Push to talk; subject tosv_alltalk
in team modes. An alias can be created to setup a toggle to talk.
Utility Binds
These are commands that aren't directly related to playing but are still useful. Many of these commands don't need to be aliased in order to toggle them; you can use bindtoggle
instead (e.g. bindtoggle downarrow net_graph 1 0
cl_showfps 1
- Shows framerate and the current map in the top right corner.cl_showpos
- Shows your current map position, and your player's (or spectating player's) velocity. This is a client-side command, so it may not be accurate in certain situations (e.g. a player's speed is modified by a map).net_graph 4
- Shows network diagnosis information and your current frame rate; useful for diagnosing gameplay issues, especially latency-related.timeleft
- The server's countdown until the current game ends.
Setting Your Player Model
The game does not remember your preferred skin by default, so you'll need to set this either on startup (autoexec.cfg
) or use a HUD that fixes it (Jora's Fix, or an HPH-generated HUD).
If you have a preferred model for each faction, you can switch teams and your player model in one sweep:
// Teamchange Binds
bind "F2" "cl_playermodel models/humans/Group03/female_01.mdl; jointeam 3" // Join Rebel Team + change to designated rebel skin
bind "F3" "cl_playermodel models/combine_soldier.mdlcombineModel; jointeam 2" // Join Combine Team + change to designated combine skin
bind "F4" "spectate; hud_reloadscheme" // Join Spectators + reload HUD to spectate without frozen health and suit icons
Rebel Player Models
Each gender shares the same base model, both spawn with a crowbar as their melee weapon Footsteps are softer boot noises with no jingling sound
Rebels, Male
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_01.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_02.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_03.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_04.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_05.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_06.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_07.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_08.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/male_09.mdl
Rebels, Female
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_01.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_02.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_03.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_04.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_06.mdl
cl_playermodel models/humans/group03/female_07.mdl
Combine Player Models
They all share the same base model and spawn with a stun stick as their melee weapon Footsteps are heavy boot noises along with a jingling sound The "police" model makes a flatline radio noise on death
cl_playermodel models/police.mdl
cl_playermodel models/combine_soldier.mdl
cl_playermodel models/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl
cl_playermodel models/combine_super_soldier.mdl