MusicSettings - Xenon257R/blue-archive-rainmeter GitHub Wiki


This UI skin selects the Music Player type you wish to use for all music/audio related skins.

Applying Changes

This UI saves and applies all changes as they are being made. No refresh is required.


NowPlaying ID

This section allows you to select the associated ID code to apply. Each ID's support list can be seen when hovering over the ID.

For a comprehensive guide on supported players, refer to Rainmeter's NowPlaying documentation.

v1.1.0: The WebNowPlaying plugin now comes packaged with the installation, and can be enabled by selecting the Web option. A browser plugin is still required for it to be able to gather media data. Complete instructions can be found on its official documentation.

v1.1.1: There is now an optional [Filepath Override] value. This value can be written in if Rainmeter's NowPlaying's OpenPlayer command is failing to find your music player's location and unable to open the music player executable. Simply write the exact filepath to the appropriate executable and OpenPlayer will start working. An example filepath override would be like below without any enclosed quotations or brackets (as that is covered by the suite itself):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe

[Filepath Override] will not work if you are using Web. If you wish for the TrayApp to open your browser or similar, you must change the Execution field in Rewire App to exhibit that behavior. The "Open" button from MusicPlayer will be fully obselete with the Web option.