Sandbox6 Tweak Terrain - Xansta/EEScenarios GitHub Wiki

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+Update Editor

Certain objects in the sandbox have specifically been designed to be edited on the fly. This button takes you to the options to edit the objects. Select the object and click the +Edit Selected button.

+Edit Selected

If an object has aspects that can be edited, they will show up as buttons after you click this button.

--object edit--

List of buttons to edit aspects of the selected object. If there are not edit options for the object, no buttons will show up.


This opens up buttons to handle asteroids, planets and nebulae. Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 6 41 25 PM
You'll see the +Select Asteroid/Nebula button if you don't have an asteroid or a nebula selected. You'll see the Pulse Asteroid button if you have an asteroid selected. You'll see the Tweak Neb button if you have a nebula selected.


This is where you can add or tweak planets Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 6 43 59 PM

Select Planet

This button will be present if you have not yet selected a planet. It will show Change Planet if you've already selected a planet plus more buttons will be revealed. If you don't have a planet selected when you click this button, you'll get a message telling you to select a planet. The planet you select will remain selected or remembered as the current selected planet until you change it or you go back to the Bodies/Nebula set of buttons. The subsequent planet manipulation action swill be taken on the remembered selected planet.

+Add Planet

The built in button that lets you create a planet defaults to a 5 unit radius planet on the movement plane without any texture, atmosphere or cloud layer. This was added so that some of those things could be set before the planet is created.

  • +Size 5.0U
    This allows you to set the size of the planet you're about to add.
    • ^1U from 5.0U
      Increase the size by 1U, Current size is at the end of the text of the button
    • ^5U from 5.0U Increase the size by 5U, Current size is at the end of the text of the button
    • v5U from 5.0u
      Decrease the size by 5U, Current size is at the end of the text of the button
    • v1U from 5.0U
      Decrease the size by 1U, Current size is at the end of the text of the button
  • +Plane 0.0U
    This allows you to set the distance of the planet from the movement plane of the planet you're about to add. Positive values are above the plane, negative values are below the plane. Between the planet radius and the distance from the movement plane, the collision radius is determined. Once the planet is created, the collision radius is set and can't be changed. This is why I want to set these things prior to planet creation. I understand that future EE versions will have this limitation addressed, but for now, it's a problem.
    • ^1U from 0.0U
      Increase the distance from the movement plane by 1U, current distance is at the end of the text of the button
    • ^5U from 0.0U
      Increase the distance from the movement plane by 5U, current distance is at the end of the text of the button
    • v5U from 0.0U
      Decrease the distance from the movement plane by 5U, current distance is at the end of the text of the button
    • v1U from 0.0U
      Decrease the distance from the movement plane by 1U, current distance is at the end of the text of the button
    • Surface P1 Lush This lets you select a surface texture for the planet you are about to add. The P1 Lush part of the text on the button represents the selected surface texture. Names given are made up and not necessarily completely representative. They're there to enhance the numbers. P = Planet, G = Gas giant, M = Moon, S = Star
    • P1 Lush
    • P2 Mercury
    • P3 Mars
    • P4 Dagobah
    • P5 Venus
    • P Earth
    • G1 Jupiter
    • G2 Saturn
    • G3 Uranus
    • M1 Standard
    • M2 Ganymede
    • M3 Antique
    • S1 Star
  • Add Planet
    Once you've got all the parameters set to your liking, click this button to go into add planet mode. The button text will change to >Add Planet< meaning the next click on the screen will add the planet based on the parameters you've selected. Click the button again to exit the Add Planet mode. If you forget, you might accidentally add another planet.


This button lets you change the surface texture of a planet you've selected.

  • G1 Jupiter
  • G2 Saturn
  • G3 Uranus
  • M1 Standard
  • M2 Ganymede
  • M3 Antique
  • P1 Lush
  • P2 Mercury
  • P3 Mars
  • P4 Dagobah
  • P5 Venus
  • P Earth
  • S1 Star


This button lets you change the size or radius of a planet that you have selected. 1000 = 1 unit, 500 = 1/2 unit, 100 = 1/10 unit.

  • ^100 from 750.0
    Increase radius by 100, current radius is at the end of the text on the button
  • ^500 from 750.0
    Increase radius by 500, current radius is at the end of the text on the button
  • v500 from 750.0
    Decrease radius by 500, current radius is at the end of the text on the button
  • v100 from 750.0
    Decrease radius by 100, current radius is at the end of the text on the button


This button lets you change the distance from the movement plane of a planet that you have selected. 1000 = 1 unit, 500 = 1/2 unit, 100 = 1/10 unit. Currently, this does not change the collision radius even though it should. Positive numbers are above the moving plane, negative numbers are below the moving plane.

  • ^100 from 0
    Increase distance from moving plane by 100, current distance is at the end of the text on the button
  • ^500 from 0
    Increase distance from moving plane by 500, current distance is at the end of the text on the button
  • v500 from 0
    Decrease distance from moving plane by 500, current distance is at the end of the text on the button
  • v100 from 0
    Decrease distance from moving plane by 100, current distance is at the end of the text on the button

+Axial Rotation

This lets you determine how many seconds it takes for the planet to complete one rotation. The smaller the number, the faster the rotation.

  • ^10 from 0
    Increase the axial rotation seconds by 10, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button
  • ^100 from 0
    Increase the axial rotation seconds by 100, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button
  • ^500 from 0
    Increase the axial rotation seconds by 500, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button
  • v500 from 0
    Decrease the axial rotation seconds by 500, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button
  • v100 from 0
    Decrease the axial rotation seconds by 100, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button
  • v10 from 0
    Decrease the axial rotation seconds by 10, the current number of seconds is at the end of the text on the button


This lets you set the parameters related to the planet atmosphere

Atmos-texture No

This toggles between having an atmosphere texture and not having an atmosphere texture. There's only one to choose from.


This lets you set the numeric color value for the atmosphere. There's a red green and blue value.

  • +Red
    • ^.01 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • ^.1 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.1 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.01 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
  • +Green
    • ^.01 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • ^.1 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.1 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.01 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
  • +Blue
    • ^.01 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • ^.1 from 0.00
      Increase the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.1 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .1, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button
    • v.01 from 0.00
      Decrease the color value by .01, the current color value is at the end of the text on the button

+Cloud Texture

This lets you select the texture to be used as clouds for the planet. The names are arbitrary and not necessarily representative. The button with the asterisk indicates the cloud texture currently selected.

  • C1 Standard
  • C2 Light
  • C3 Heavy
  • None

+Cloud Radius

This lets you set the radius of the clouds from the planet. This gives the clouds a more three dimensional look. Changing the planet radius automatically sets the cloud radius to some EE default that's relative to the planet radius.

  • ^10 from 850.0
    Increase the cloud radius by 10, the current value is at the end of the text on the button
  • ^100 from 850.0
    Increase the cloud radius by 100, the current value is at the end of the text on the button
  • v100 from 850.0
    Decrease the cloud radius by 100, the current value is at the end of the text on the button
  • v10 from 850.0
    Decrease the cloud radius by 10, the current value is at the end of the text on the button


This lets you set one planet to orbit another planet. Make sure you have a planet selected. Then you select another planet to orbit the first selected planet. The orbiting planet is called the orbiter.

  • Select Orbiter
    Click this button once you have selected the orbiter. Once an orbiter is determined, other buttons will appear to change information about the orbit of the orbiter.
    • +Time
      This is where you set how many seconds it takes to orbit. The smaller the number, the faster the orbit.
      • ^10 from 0
        Increase orbit time by 10 seconds, the current orbit time is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • ^100 from 0
        Increase orbit time by 100 seconds, the current orbit time is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • v100 from 0 Decrease orbit time by 100 seconds, the current orbit time is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • v10 from 0 Decrease orbit time by 10 seconds, the current orbit time is shown at the end of the text on the button
    • +Distance
      This is where you set how far away the orbiter is from the planet it is orbiting. The distance is measured in units from the center of each.
      • ^.1U from 45.000U
        Increase distance by .1U, the current distance is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • ^1U from 45.000U
        Increase distance by 1U, the current distance is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • v1U from 45.000U Decrease distance by 1U, the current distance is shown at the end of the text on the button
      • v.1U from 45.000U
        Decrease distance by .1U, the current distance is shown at the end of the text on the button
  • +Add Orbiter
    Like Add Planet, this lets you add an orbiter.

+Asteroid Contents

This allows you to set the minerals for an asteroid. Useful for those times when a player has a ship capable of mining.

Pulse Asteroid

This button pulses the selected asteroid. This only works for the asteroids in the Icarus region near station Speculator (sectors J4 - L8).

Jump Corridor Off

This button toggles the Jump Corridor function between on and off. The button text shows current state. The jump corridor is set up between the skeleton stations (Icarus, Kentar, Astron, Lafrina, Teresh). All the players dock at one of these stations and then a relay officer requests that they take the jump corridor to one of the other stations. This directs the sandbox to undock the players, move them to the designated sector near the station, despawn the current region and spawn the designated region.

+Station Manipulation

This button brings up various options to change aspects of stations in the sandbox.

+Station Operations

This button lets you select the actions a selected station can or cannot take.

+Select Station

This button only shows up if a station is not already selected.

Probes On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to resupply probes or not.

Repair On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to repair a ship's hull or not.

Energy On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to resupply power to a ship or not.

Fix Probes On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a ship's probe launcher or not.

Fix Hack On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a ship's hacking system or not.

Fix Scan On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a ship's scanners or not.

Fix C. Maneuver On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a ship's combat maneuver system or not.

Fix Destruct On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a ship's self destruct system or not.

Fix Slow Tube On->Off

This button toggles between the station having the ability to fix a slowly loading missile tube or not.

+Station Defense

This button brings up options related to configuring and enabling station defenses.

+Select Station

This button only shows up if a station is not already selected.

+Defense Fleet

This button brings up options to configure and create a station defensive fleet.

Avg Speed off

This button toggles between taking the defensive fleet, calculating the average impulse speed, then setting all the ships in the fleet to have the same impulse speed or leaving the impulse speed of the defensive fleet alone. The text of the button shows the current status.

+1 player strength: 19*

This button lets you set the relative strength of the defensive fleet. The text of the button has the following meaning: "1" = the current ratio of fleet strength to player strength, "19" = the current player strength multiplied by the ratio and the asterisk, if present means that the relative strength calculation has been selected rather than the fixed strength value for the defensive fleet strength.

  • 1/4
  • 1/2
  • 1*
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 8

+Set Fixed Strength

This button lets you select and/or configure the fixed strength of the defensive fleet. If an asterisk is present, that means the fixed strength option has been selected instead of the relative strength option.

  • 250 - 50 = 200
    This button increments the fixed strength value. The text of the button has the following meaning: 250 = the current fixed strength value, "-" = minus, 50 = decrement value, "=" = the new value will be the following number after you click the button and 200 = the new value after clicking the button.
  • 250 + 50 = 300
    This button decrements the fixed strength value. The text of the button has the following meaning: 250 = the current fixed strength value, "+" = plus, 50 = increment value, "=" = the new value will be the following number after you click the button and 300 = the new value after clicking the button.


This button brings up options to let you configure the composition of the fleet. The first word of the text of the button indicates the selected group type. The letter after the hyphen indicates any restrictions that might be present. Be careful mixing the groups and restrictions. You could end up in an infinite loop if you're not careful.

  • +Group Random
    This button selects the category of ship to use to create the fleet. The last word on the text of the button indicates the current selection.
    • Random*
      All ships are possibilities.
    • Fighters
      Select from the fighter class for the fleet.
    • Chasers
      Select ships with a warp or jump drive.
    • Frigates
      Select frigate class ships.
    • Beamers
      Select ships that use beams (no missiles).
    • Missilers
      Select ships that only shoot missiles (no beams).
    • Adders
      Select only Adder type ships or ships based on the adder frame.
    • Non-DB
      Select non-stock Empty Epsilon ships.
    • Drones
      Select drone class ships only.
  • +Exclude-U
    This button lets you place exclusion filters on your selection. The letter(s) after the hyphen indicate the exclusions in place.
    • Unusual*
      The letter representation for this exclusion is U.
      The unusual ships are those that probably should not be typical selections when generating a fleet. They include things like command bases, weapon platform variations, specialized freighters and one-off ships designed for specific missions.
    • Warp
      The letter representation for this exclusion is W.
      This excludes ships with warp drives.
    • Jump
      The letter representation for this exclusion is J.
      This excludes ships with jump drives.
    • Nuke
      The letter representation for this exclusion is N.
      This excludes ships equipped with nuclear missiles.
  • selectivity:full
    This button cycles through three selectivity states: full, less/heavy and more/light. The selection algorithm picks a ship and compares it with the amount of enemy fleet strength remaining. If the ship selected is higher, pick again until you get something lower than the remaining strength. For fewer but heavier ships the selection pool consists of X heavy ships at heavy end of the possible ships for the fleet strength. The pool size (X) can be modified. For the biased options, there are buttons provided to change the size of the selection pool:
  • Increase Pool: 5
    Use this button to increase the size of the pool by 1. The number on the button represents the size of the selection pool.
  • Decrease Pool: 5
    Use this button to decrease the size of the pool by 1. The number on the button represents the size of the selection pool.

+Inner Ring

This button lets you configure and set the inner ring of defenses. Right now, that's only defense platforms.

+Platforms: 3

This button lets you set the number of defense platforms in a circle around the station.

  • v from 3 to 2
    This button decreases the number. The text of the button has the following meaning: "v" = decrease, 3 is the current value and 2 will be the new value after you click the button.
  • ^ from 3 to 4
    This button increases the number. The text of the button has the following meaning: "^" = increase, 3 is the current value and 4 will be the new value after you click the button.

+Orbit: No

This button lets you set the orbit parameters of the defense platforms.

  • Orbit > Fast
    Orbit clockwise quickly.
  • Orbit > Normal
    Orbit clockwise.
  • Orbit > Slow
    Orbit clockwise slowly.
  • No*
    Don't orbit.
  • Orbit < Fast
    Orbit counterclockwise quickly.
  • Orbit < Normal
    Orbit counterclockwise.
  • Orbit < Slow
    Orbit counterclockwise slowly.

Spawn Def Platforms

Once you have configured the defense platforms, click this button to spawn them.

+Outer Ring

This button lets you configure and set the outer ring of defenses for the station.

+Platforms: 3

This button lets you set the number of defense platforms in the outer ring.

  • v from 3 to 2
    This button decreases the number. The text of the button has the following meaning: "v" = decrease, 3 is the current value and 2 will be the new value after you click the button.
  • ^ from 3 to 4
    This button increases the number. The text of the button has the following meaning: "^" = increase, 3 is the current value and 4 will be the new value after you click the button.

+Mines: No

These buttons let you set up mines in the outer defense ring. There can be up to nine outer rings of mines broken up into an inline ring of up to three rings in the middle, an inside ring of up to three rings and an outside ring of up to three rings.

  • +Inline: 0
    This button provides the buttons to configure the number of inline rings and the inline ring orbit configuration. The number of gaps in the inline ring corresponds to the number of defense platforms (if present). The number on the button text indicates the current setting. This ring is entitled inline because it is in line with the defense platforms. Should you configure the mines to orbit the station, the defense platforms will orbit with the mines.
    • ^From 0 to 1
      This button will increase the count of mine rings from zero to one.
    • +Orbit: No
      This button brings up the orbit configuration choices for the outer inline mine ring. "No" indicates the current setting.
    • V Gaps from 3 to 2
      The gap configuration buttons only appear if there are zero defense platforms configured for the outer ring. This button decreases the number of gaps in the mine ring.
    • ^ Gaps from 3 to 4
      The gap configuration buttons only appear if there are zero defense platforms configured for the outer ring. This button increases the number of gaps in the mine ring.
  • +Inside: 0
    This button reveals the buttons to configure the outer inside mine ring. Zero to three rings are possible. 0 at the end of the button text indicates the current configuration.
    • ^ From 0 to 1
      This button increases the number of outer inside mine rings.
    • +Orbit: No
      This button brings up the orbit configuration choices for the outer inside mine ring. "No" indicates the current setting.
    • V Gaps from 3 to 2
      This button decreases the number of gaps in the mine ring. There are no defense platforms for this ring.
    • ^ Gaps from 3 to 4
      This button increases the number of gaps in the mine ring. There are no defense platforms for this ring.
  • +Outside: 0
    This button reveals the buttons to configure the outer outside mine ring. Zero to three rings are possible. 0 at the end of the button text indicates the current configuration.
    • ^ From 0 to 1
      This button increases the number of outer outside mine rings.
    • +Orbit: No
      This button brings up the orbit configuration choices for the outer outside mine ring. "No" indicates the current setting.
    • V Gaps from 3 to 2
      This button decreases the number of gaps in the mine ring. There are no defense platforms for this ring.
    • ^ Gaps from 3 to 4
      This button increases the number of gaps in the mine ring. There are no defense platforms for this ring.

+DP Orbit: No

This button brings up the orbit configuration choices for the outer ring defense platforms. "No" in the button text indicates the current setting.

Spawn outer defense

Once you have completed the defense configuration, click this button to spawn the outer defenses. I suggest you experiment with these settings to get what you want before trying these during a gaming session. No "undo" facility has been developed for this aspect of the sandbox.

Autorotate No

This button toggles the station's auto-rotate function. Auto-rotate is useless for small and medium bases. For large and huge bases, it makes it more challenging for attackers to destroy the base because the presented shield facing changes as the base rotates.

+Station Report

This button brings up a list of buttons for the stations in the region.

List of buttons: one for each station in the region.

Each button reports the station's characteristics when clicked. Characteristics include:
Sector name, Station call sign, station type, station faction, friendliness rating;
Whether or not it it does the following: share energy, repair hull, restock scan probes;
Whether or not it fixes the following: probe launch, hacking, scanners, combat maneuver, self destruct, slowed tube load;
For each missile type, availability, type of availability and reputation cost, cost multipliers and max refill for friends and neutrals;
Available services and their costs, which may include zero or more of the following: shield overcharge, reinforcements, supply drop, sensor boost (including range), fast probes (type, cost, quantity, speed), remote warp jammer (type, cost, quantity, speed, jam range);
Idle defense fleet information (number and type); Goods (sell list: type, cost, quantity; trade list; buy list: type, price)

+Station Goods

This button lets you configure what goods are available at the selected station. Note: the prices are set at random. Future planned enhancement to allow the price to be configured.

+Sell Components

This opens up the list of components so you can add or delete a component to the list of what a station has available to sell to the player.

  • List of buttons: one or two (add or del) for each component good.

+Sell Minerals

This opens up the list of minerals so you can add or delete a mineral to the list of what a station has available to sell to the player.

  • List of buttons: one or two (add or del) for each mineral good.

+Buy Components

This button lets you add a component to the list the station will buy. Buyers are fairly rare in the current universe.

  • List of buttons: one for each component good (Add or Del)

+Buy Minerals

This button lets you add a mineral to the list the station will buy. Buyers are fairly rare in the current universe.

  • List of buttons: one for each mineral good (Add or Del)

+Trade Goods

This lets you identify what the station will trade for one of the goods in its sell list.

  • food Add (or Del)
  • medicine Add (or Del)
  • luxury Add (or Del)

+Station Probes

This button opens up the specialized probes configuration for the station.

+Faster Probes

These probes are purchased in kits, The player can attach these to normal probes. Each type goes faster then normal probes.

  • Mark 3:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Mark 3 is 2x standard probe speed.
  • Screamer:0 Add The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Screamer speed is 4x standard probe speed.
  • Gogo:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Gogo speed is 3x standard probe speed.

+Warp Jammer Probes

These probes drop a warp jammer when they reach their destination. Players attach these probe kits to their standard probes.

  • Snag:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Snag is 2.5x faster than normal probes and drops a warp jammer with a 10 unit range.
  • Mire:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Mire is 2x faster than normal probes and drops a warp jammer with a 15 unit range.
  • Swamp:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Swamp is 1.5x faster than normal probes and drops a warp jammer with a 20 unit range.

+Sensor Boost Probes

These probes boost long range sensor strength when they are in range of a player ship. Players attach these kits to their standard probes. The maximum effective range is half of the indicated range.

  • Spectacle:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Spectacle is as fast as a normal probe and boosts sensors by up to 10 units within 30 units of the probe.
  • Binoc:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Binoc is as fast as a normal probe and boosts sensors by up to 20 units within 40 units of the probe.
  • Scope:0 Add
    The 0 in the text indicates the current amount available. There is either an add or a del button. Stations only offer one kind at a time, so adding a different type removes the other types. Scope is as fast as a normal probe and boosts sensors by up to 30 units within 50 units of the probe.


This button opens up the buttons to let you place minefields of various shapes.

+Shape: Arc

This button lets you choose the shape of the minefield you're creating. The word at the end of the text on the button indicates the current selection (Arc in this case).

  • Arc*
  • Line
  • Circle
  • Cubic interpolation

+Width: 1

This button only appears for the Arc, Line and Circle shape options.

  • Width 1*
    Set the width of the mine field to one mine.
  • Width 2
    Set the width of the mine field to two mines.
  • Width 3
    Set the width of the mine field to three mines.

+Radius: 8

This button only appears if circle is the selected shape option. Clicking this button brings up the buttons that let you set the radius of the circle in units.

  • Radius 8 -> 7
    This button reduces the radius.
  • Radius 8 -> 9
    This button increases the radius.

Center Point

This button only appears if Arc is the selected shape. Clicking this button takes you into the GM click mode indicated by the text of the button changing to >Center Point<. The next click sets the center point of the arc to be created. Click the button again to exit the GM click mode.

After setting the center point of the arc, the button will switch to >Start Arc< so that you can set the position of the start of the arc. The sandbox arc drawing routine always assumes you'll draw your arc in a clockwise direction, so keep that in mind when deciding where to start your arc. Notice that the sandbox places a visual asteroid to mark the center point. This will go away once the arc is complete or you exit the GM click mode by clicking the button again.

After setting the start point of the arc, the button will switch to >End Arc< so that you can set the position of the end of the arc. The sandbox also makes the center point a bigger asteroid and places another visual asteroid at the start of the arc to help you visualize where the arc will be created. The arc will be based on a portion of a circle with the center at the first point and the edge of the circle at the second point. When you place the end arc point, the sandbox will draw the arc and get rid of the reference visual asteroids. You will be placed back in the >Center Point< mode for the next arc of mines you wish to create. If you're done, click the button again to exit GM click mode.

Start Point

This button only appears if Line is the selected shape. Clicking this button takes you into GM click mode as indicated by the button changing into >Start Point<. The next click places the start point of the line of mines you are about to create. Click the button again to exit GM click mode.

After setting the start point, the button text will change to >End Point< so that you can set the position of the end of the line. The sandbox will also place a visual asteroid to mark the start point. This will go away once the mine field is created or you exit the GM click mode by clicking the button again (needs fixing).

After setting the end point of the line, the minefield will be created and the marker asteroids will go away. You will be taken back into the >Start Point< mode for your next line shaped minefield. Click the button again to exit GM click mode.

Center of Circle

This button only appears if the Circle shape has been selected. Clicking this button takes you into GM click mode indicated by the text of the button changing to >Center of Circle<. The next click places the minefield with the center at the point where you clicked. Click the button again to exit GM click mode.

add point

This button only appears if shape Cubic interpolation has been selected. Clicking this button will take you into the GM click mode as indicated by the text of the button changing to >add point<. The next click places a point. These are temporary visual aids for the curved line you plan to make. Keep adding points until you feel your curved line mine field is ready. Click the button again to exit the GM click mode.


This button only appears if shape Cubic interpolation has been selected. Clicking this button takes the points you've placed and builds a mine field. This only works if you've added at least 4 points. As you add points, visual points will be placed showing you where the mine field will be created when you click the finalize button. Once you click this button, the visual reference points will go away and the mine field will be created.


This button only appears if shape Cubic interpolation has been selected. Clicking this button will remove all the temporary visual points and the fill-in visual points letting you start over.

+Move Selected

This button only appears if you have an object selected. You can click and drag objects around on the GM screen. Sometimes this is not good enough. Sometimes, you want to teleport an object or a group of objects. This button lets you do this.

Once you click this button, you will enter the GM click mode as indicated by the text of the button changing to >Click Move Pos<. The next click you make will teleport the selected object(s) to the place where you click. Click the button again to exit GM click mode.


This button presents you with various options for manipulating probes.


This stops the selected probe. It can later resume via the resume button.


This resumes the probe towards it's destination.


This diverts the probe to the location you specify. Clicking this button takes you into GM click mode as indicated by the text of the button changing to >Divert<. Exit the GM click mode by clicking the button again. You can have the probe resume moving to its destination by clicking the Resume button while the probe is selected.


This button lets you create a probe. Clicking this button puts you in GM click mode as indicated by the button text changing to >Create<. The next click will create a probe at that location. Click the button again to exit GM click mode. The faction of the probe is set to the faction specified in the Spawn Fleet section. You can change the faction of the probe by selecting it and using the faction widget between the pause button and the custom GM buttons in the upper left.

1.0 Accelerate -> 1.1

This button speeds up the probe. When you click this button, the speed of the probe will increase by 10% of the probe's base speed. The text of the button has the following meaning: 1.0 = the current speed, "->" = click the button and the speed will change to the next value and 1.1 is the speed of the probe after the button is clicked.

1.0 Decelerate -> 0.9

This button slows down the probe. When you click this button, the speed of the probe will decrease by 10% of the probe's base speed. The text of the button has the following meaning: 1.0 = the current speed, "->" = click the button and the speed will change to the next value and 0.9 is the speed of the probe after the button is clicked.


The sandbox has some specialized transports that engage in commerce by traveling to various stations to simulate picking up goods, delivering goods, buying, selling, trading, providing transportation for people, etc. This button provides some control of this commerce.

Skeletal Off

This button toggles skeletal commerce. Skeletal commerce is the traveling by specialized freighters between stations that are part of the skeletal universe (eg Icarus, Kentar, Lafrina, Teresh and Astron).

  • List of buttons: one for each spawned region. Toggles commerce for the region.


This button brings up the options for configuring and placing explosions in the session.

+Max Damage

  • Degradation: Linear
    This button toggles between linear degradation of damage and no degradation of damage. With linear degradation, the damage is lesser the further away from the center of the explosion you get. No degradation means the damage is the same inside the entire radius of the explosion.
  • List of buttons allowing the change of the maximum damage
    The asterisk indicates the current choice

+Effect Size

This button brings up buttons to change the visible size of the explosion on the screen. For reference, one unit = 1000.


This button brings up buttons to change the range of the explosion. For reference, one unit = 1000.

Type: Normal

This button toggles between a normal explosion and an electric explosion. An electric explosion only impacts shields (like an EMP explosion).

Explode Object

This button destroys the currently selected object and creates an explosion as configured.

Place Explosion

This button takes you into GM click mode. The button text changes to >Place Explosion< to indicate you are in GM click mode. The next click creates an explosion as configured. To exit GM click mode, click the button again.