Texturing - XandalS/MultiQuakerRepo GitHub Wiki

Immersion and theme

With the basic blockout more or less complete I felt it was a good time to start texturing the map so that it had a better appeal to the eye. For the first floor I tried to make it more of a brown theme with an almost otherworldly feel to how everything was carved. Effigies to some ancient god carved into the walls almost venerating it surround the main arena while also having fresh kills and skulls marking those who were sacrificed to appease said god lay embedded in the walls. Screenshot 2022-03-15 154543 Outside the arena I have multiple spots where there is black stone being laid out on the ground striking a contrast to what is surrounding them. These stones have a different type of writing system on them almost to act as either trophies from people conquered or as a corruptive influence from outside the arena. Screenshot 2022-03-15 154647

Guidance and orientation

My goal for texturing the level was to try and make things seem feel off in the level, like while this place was used it never was supposed to be. The screenshots bellow are textures that I used to illustrate and enhance these feelings.

Screenshot 2022-03-15 174951 This screenshot shows my portals which unlike the rest of the level have multiple colors to them and while not shown here glow in the dark like they are active. Screenshot 2022-03-15 175413 The block that is shown here was textured to stand out and draw the eye with how drastically different it is in comparison to the rest of the floor. It is also meant to draw the eye to it since there is a useful item between them.