Run XX Net in OpenWrt LEDE (2018.3.14 Update) - XX-net/XX-Net GitHub Wiki
After the assistance and testing of many colleagues, it can run smoothly in OpenWrt and LEDE. The tutorial is now described as follows.
Required conditions:
First you need a public IP. If there is no public IP, then smooth operation cannot be guaranteed. IPv6 is recommended.
Install the necessary plugins Run via SSH:
opkg update
opkg install python-pyopenssl
Specific steps:
Download XX-Net.
Put XX-Net in a certain position (below /XX-Net)
Modify the XX-Net folder attribute to 777.
Add the following command before "exit 0" in "System-Startup Items-Local Startup Script":
nohup /XX-Net/start >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Then opkg install coreutils-nohup, XX-net will start together with OpenWrt/LEDE in the future.
- Modify /XX-Net/data/launcher/config.yaml:
modules: {
launcher: { allow_remote_connect: 1 }
Open in your browser:
http://[Router IP]:8085
- If XX-Net is not running, you can run it via SSH, enter the command:
Remote download and import certificate
The certificate can be downloaded from the following address:
http://[Router IP]:8085/module/gae_proxy/control/download_cert
Please see here for installation.