How to start XX Net as a background service under Linux - XX-net/XX-Net GitHub Wiki

#Start XX-Net as a background service

If you want to start XX-Net as a service, XX-net has actually provided a sysv startup script: []( sh&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93)

Suppose your is in /home/yourName/XX-Net/, Then execute in the /etc/init.d directory

'sudo ln -s /home/yourName/XX-Net/ xx_net'

*Tips: If you find that using the hyperlink above, the xx_net service cannot start when the system starts, but you can start the service with sudo service xx_net start, and when you run dmesg|grep xx_net, you will find /etc/init .d/xx_net no such file or directory error, then you may have encountered a systemd bug, the solution is to copy /home/yourName/XX-Net/ to /etc/init.d/xx_net, and then modify / $PACKAGE_PATH='/home/yourName/XX-Net/code/default' in etc/init.d/xx_net

If the system uses systemD for service management, execute the following command to enable the xx_net service:

 sudo systemctl enable xx_net

If you are a debian system, use the following command to enable the xx_net service:

 sudo update-rc.d enable xx_net

Start xx-net:

 sudo service xx_net start

Stop xx-net:

 sudo service xx_net stop

Restart xx-net:

 sudo service xx_net restart

View XX-net status:

 sudo service xx_net status

Or it is more reliable to use the following command:

 sudo netstat -tlanp grep 8087

The log is saved in the /var/log/messages file, and can be viewed with the tail command:

 tail -f /var/log/messages|grep xx_net

About Fedora

Currently, major distributions use Systemd init to manage system services. Fedora users can add FZUG source, install xx-net And use systemd management.

Start xx-net:

 $ systemctl --user start xx-net

View status:

 $ systemctl --user status xx-net

Stop xx-net:

 $ systemctl --user stop xx-net

Use systemctl user mode management, without running with root privileges, improve security.