List of tutorials - XUEJS/webpack-docs GitHub Wiki

Articles mobile site demo. Webpack + React + React Router + jQuery + Altjs.

a collection of simple demos of Webpack

Comparison of Webpack and Browserify

Beginner friendly introduction to Webpack to build a simple React + Alt.js example application.

Using webpack with an express node server. Great for prototyping and generally good setup for any project.

Setting up and understanding a webpack project with angular, handling dependencies & 6 ways to use 'require'.
2015-04-15 @Sh_McK

long guide for using react.js with webpack
2014-12-13 @christianalfoni

basic sample and explanation of compiled bundle.js
2014-09-07 @tssubo

A guide how to migrate the react-tutorial to webpack and using the Hot Module Replacement and react-hot-loader for a live reloading react app.
2014-07-24 @gaearon

A no-BS cookbook for getting things done with webpack, taken from's best practices
2014-07-17 @petehunt

Chinese translation of Webpack-Howto above.
2015-02-12 @jiyinyiyong

Introductory tutorial (with real world samples)
2014-06-26 @gunta

An unfinished chapter on webpack
2014-04-08 @shama

Cross develop for Node and the Browser without forking around
2013-10-10 @davidgovea

2013-09-27 @shama

A comprehensive guide to integrating webpack with a Rails app

2015-01 @clarkdave

Basic guide and some use cases of using Webpack to bundle SPAs in Chinese.
2015-02-12 @jiyinyiyong

A step-by-step guide to configure Webpack for React, including a killer feature: React Hot Loader

2015-05-15 @jpetitcolas

A basic walkthrough of Webpack setup & configuration for transpiling your Angular 1.x ES 2015 code to ES5 with Babel. Uses NPM exclusively for front-end dependencies.

2015-06-29 @Scott_Addie

A tutorial for integrating TypeScript with webpack.

2015-07-19 @jbrantly



This talk explains how to use Webpack to build an efficient static assets pipeline. The sample app and the slides are available online.
2015-02-27 @theasta

2014-12-31 @unindented renders almost all of its UI in JavaScript. Pete Hunt has talked about how instagrams packaging and push systems work in great detail, which are clever combinations of existing open-source tools (webpack, React).
2014-09-04 @petehunt

2014-08-28 @okonetchnikov

Comprehensive introduction to webpack, held at the MNUG (munich node.js user group)
2014-07-09 @jhnns

22 Slides, short introduction
2014-06-11 @ryanseddon


Quick screencast on YouTube about getting started with webpack by Kyle Robinson Young

2015-07-06 @shamakry

Free lesson by Kent C. Dodds

2015-02-18 @kentcdodds series by Kent C. Dodds

2015-03-12 @kentcdodds

2015-01-02 @jesseskinner

2014-12-27 @jesseskinner

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