List of loaders - XUEJS/webpack-docs GitHub Wiki


  • json: Loads file as JSON
  • hson: Loads HanSON file (JSON for Humans) as JSON object
  • raw: Loads raw content of a file (as utf-8)
  • val: Executes code as module and consider exports as JavaScript code
  • to-string: Executes code as a module, casts output to a string and exports it
  • imports: Imports stuff to the module
  • exports: Exports stuff from the module
  • expose: Expose exports from a module to the global context
  • script: Executes a JavaScript file once in global context (like in script tag), requires are not parsed.
  • source-map: Extract sourceMappingURL comments from modules and offer it to webpack
  • checksum: Computes the checksum of a file
  • null: Emits an empty module.
  • cowsay: Emits a module with a cowsay header.
  • dsv: Loads csv/tsv files.
  • glsl: Loads glsl files and support glsl-chunks.
  • render-placement: Adds React.render to your component for you (not very practical in most cases)
  • xml: Loads XML as JSON.
  • svg-react: Load SVG files as JSX-ified React.createClass declarations.
  • base64: Loads file content as base64 string


  • file: Emits the file into the output folder and returns the (relative) url.
  • url: The url loader works like the file loader, but can return a Data Url if the file is smaller than a limit.
  • worker: The worker loader creates a WebWorker for the provided file. The bundling of dependencies of the Worker is transparent.
  • shared-worker: Like the worker loader, but for Shared Workers.
  • serviceworker: Like the worker loader, but designed for Service Workers.
  • bundle: Wraps request in a require.ensure block (callback)
  • promise: Wraps request in a require.ensure block (promise)
  • async-module: Same as bundle, but provides a way to handle script loading errors. Wraps request in a require.ensure block (callback, errback)
  • react-proxy: Code Splitting for react components.
  • react-hot: Allows to live-edit React components while keeping them mounted and preserving their state.
  • image: Compresses your images. Ideal to use together with file or url.
  • img: Load and compress images with imagemin.
  • svgo-loader: Compresses SVG images using svgo library
  • baggage: Automatically require any resources related to the required one
  • polymer-loader: Process HTML & CSS with preprocessor of choice and require() Web Components like first-class modules.
  • uglify-loader: Uglify contents of a module. Unlike uglify plugin you can minify with mangling only your application files and not the libraries
  • html-minify-loader: Minifies HTML using minimize
  • vue-loader: Load single-file Vue.js components as modules, with loader-support for preprocessors.
  • tojson-loader Serialize module exports as JSON. Cache generated static data as JSON at build time.
  • zip-it-loader Convert files and directories to zip. Great with file.



  • html: Exports HTML as string, require references to static resources.
  • riot: Load RiotJS tags and convert them to javascript.
  • jade: Loads jade template and returns a function
  • jade-html: Loads jade template and returns generated HTML
  • jade-react: Uses jade templates for React rendering instead of JSX
  • template-html: Loads any template with consolidate.js and returns generated HTML
  • handlebars: Loads handlebars template and returns a function
  • dust: Loads dust template and returns a function
  • ractive: Pre-compiles Ractive templates for interactive DOM manipulation
  • jsx: Transform jsx code for React to js code.
  • react-templates: Loads react-template and returns a function
  • em: Compiles Emblem to Handlebars.js
  • ejs: Loads EJS (underscore( templating engine) template and returns a pre-compiled function
  • mustache: Pre-compiles Mustache templates with Hogan.js and returns a function
  • yaml: Converts YAML to JSON
  • markdown: Compiles Markdown to HTML
  • remarkable: Compiles Markdown to HTML using the Remarkable parser
  • markdown-it: Compiles Markdown to HTML using the markdown-it parser
  • ng-cache: Puts HTML partials in the Angular's $templateCache
  • ngtemplate: Bundles your AngularJS templates and Pre-loads the template cache.
  • hamlc: Compiles haml-coffee templates (.hamlc) and returns a function.
  • haml: Renders haml-coffee templates (.html.hamlc) and returns a string.
  • jinja: Precompiles nunjucks and jinja2 templates
  • nunjucks: Precompiles nunjucks templates
  • soy: Compiles Google Closure templates and returns the namespace with render functions
  • smarty: Pre-compiles php smarty templates and returns a function
  • template-string: Use ES6 template strings for html templates
  • ect: Compile ectjs templates


  • bootstrap-sass: Loads a configuration file for Twitter Bootstrap integration using Sass. Allows complete customization via Sass.
  • style: Add exports of a module as style to DOM
  • css: Loads css file with resolved imports and returns css code
  • less: Loads and compiles a less file
  • sass: Loads and compiles a scss file
  • stylus: Loads and compiles a stylus file
  • rework: Post-process CSS with Rework and returns CSS code
  • postcss: Post-process CSS with Autoprefixer and other PostCSS plugins
  • autoprefixer: Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use
  • namespace-css: Namespace your css with a given selector (for encapsulating all rules in one subset of your site)
  • fontgen: Create your own webfont with proper CSS on-the-fly and include it into WebPack.



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