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X predict market DAPP Test Guideline
Install the PolkadotJS and create an account. Change the Encryption type to sr25519, or change network to 【Allow use on any chain】.
X Predict market DAPP: https://test-app.x-predict.com/
Tip: If you need to quickly pass the verification, you can select [uat node] to create a proposal, and then you can use Alice account to operate the proposal. Please refer to the instructions below.
Choose your account
Switch to wallet page and click [get test currency] to get test currency
Switch to [create proposal] to create a proposal
If it is successfully created, it will automatically jump to the details page. Please wait for node verification (if it is created by the uat node, remember the ID of the Market, and then go to PolkadotJS APP to approve the verification using Alice account).
[uat node] Set Types
Copy the types and paste it to polkadotjs DAPP -> Setting ->Developer, then click [save]
Types URL:
polkadotjs DAPP:
[uat node] Methods of Auditing Market
Switch to [developer -> Sudo -> proposals ->setStatus]
Perform the proposal [FormalPrediction] audit operation
Choose Alice Account
when submission succeeded, go back to the proposal page and choose your favorite answer to Buy or Sell
proposal buy
There are two situations with the Sell
During the voting period, users can sell their chips according to their own will
At the end of the proposal, those who guess the right result also redeem their prize through the Sell
Add liquidity
Retrieve liquidity. Users can only retrieve liquidity at the end of the proposal
Result uploading
[uat node] can upload the result through sudo authority using Alice account.
[test node] should wait for the verification node to upload the result.
Step 1, find the proposal ID.
Step 2, the option currencyId in polkadotjs.org/app
As shown below, 5 corresponds to the currencyId of the first option of the proposal, 6 corresponds to the currencyId of the second option of the proposal.
Step 3, change the proposal status to [WaitingForResults]
Step 4, upload the proposal result, select sudo module -> couple -> setResult then enter the proposal ID and currencyId, click submit sudo, then we can select Alice account to upload the result.
The proposal status then transforms into end