Use cases - XOQDY/tanks-game GitHub Wiki

Use Case 1

Use Case 1: Play Tanks game in a Single-player mode.

Goal in Context: Users attempting to destroy the AI's tank

Scope: Tanks Game

Level: Primary task

Primary Actor: User

Priority: Must have

Frequency: Sometimes

Trigger: Users want to beat the enemies.


  1. User starts the game.
  2. System displays the game (map, blocks, tanks).
  3. User chooses the direction of movement for the tank.
  4. System goes toward the direction that the user selects.
  5. User repeat steps 3-4 until the user fires a bullet.
  6. User tank’s fire a bullet.
  7. System displays a bullet coming from the tank and going through in the direction the tank is heading.
  8. User repeat steps 3-7 until the enemy's tank is destroyed. (enemies tank got shoot by user tank’s bullet)
  9. System displays the result of the game.

Use Case 2

Use Case 2: Play Tanks game in a Two-player mode

Goal in Context: Users attempting to destroy their friend's tank

Scope: Tanks Game

Level: Primary task

Primary Actor: User

Priority: Must have

Frequency: Sometimes

Trigger: Users want to play with their friends together and beat each other.


  1. User starts the game.
  2. System displays the game (map, blocks, tanks).
  3. User chooses the direction of movement for the tank.
  4. System goes toward the direction that the user selects.
  5. User repeat steps 3-4 until the user fires a bullet.
  6. User tank’s fire a bullet.
  7. System displays a bullet coming from the tank and going through in the direction the tank is heading.
  8. User repeat steps 3-7 until the friend's tank is destroyed. (the friend's tank got shot by the user's tank bullet)
  9. System displays the result of the game