Updating to first version that uses the queue (Aug 21 2018, commit 520c6d6c040956444f62f343486ee426f1ed8d8f) - XDagger/openxdagpool GitHub Wiki

Miner offline, miner online, admin alerts and admin mass e-mails are now sent from queue. This update allows the CRON scripts and admin mass e-mail interface to run more quickly, even if the mail server is slow / has outage (e-mails will be retried in that case). Update as a whole improves mainly cron scripts performance (bringing more accurate statistics to the pool).

To update:

  1. as root, install supervisor: apt-get install supervisor
  2. execute as root, replacing the user with the same user the PHP FPM pool runs as:
cat << 'EOD' > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-worker.conf
command=php /var/www/openxdagpool/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=3
user=!!!! REPLACE with the same user as the PHP FPM pool runs as !!!!

If your installation folder differs, update command and stdout_logfile as well.

Perform next steps in the openxdagpool folder as correct PHP fpm pool user:

  1. git pull
  2. php artisan migrate
  3. update your .env file, and set QUEUE_DRIVER=database
  4. run php artisan cache:clear

Lastly, as root run: supervisorctl reread, supervisorctl update, supervisorctl start laravel-worker:*. See new readme section "Updates": https://github.com/XDagger/openxdagpool It describes generic update procedures for the pool website.

Done, should you have any questions, please contact me! :)

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