Setting Up a Development Environment - XBigTK13X/Aigilas GitHub Wiki


If all you want to do is hack on the code and test the game, then you can open Aigilas' pom.xml as a Maven project in your IDE of choice. I use Intellij IEDA Community Edition, but anything with maven support should work fine. Just make sure that you don't commit any IDE specific project files.

Running From an IDE

  1. Open the top level pom.xml as a Maven project
  2. Debug/Run the class game.targets.DesktopGame
  3. The game should compile and open

Packaging Preperation

Packaging is more work to setup. You also don't need to do this unless you are trying to generate standalone binaries. If you are, then please read the license agreement before proceeding. I ask that if you plan on distributing Aigilas, that you please shoot me a message as a professional courtesy.

Ubuntu Linux

  1. Run this to install dependencies: '''sudo apt-get install git maven'''
  2. [Install JDK 7] (
  3. Unpack the JDK somewhere convenient (I drop it in /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_x and symlink to /usr/lib/jdk7)
  4. Run update-alternatives to configure java and javac to point to your JDK installation

Mac OS X

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Run '''brew install maven'''
  3. Run '''brew install git'''
  4. [Install JDK 7] (
  5. If JDK 7 isn't set to the default, you need to set an environment variable for JAVA_HOME that points to the installation path


A BASH-like shell is required to build packages on Windows. I recommend MSysGit, and have been unable to get Cygwin to function.

Additionally Rapid Environment Editor makes it easier to tweak the environment variables listed below. This is optional.

  1. [Install Maven 3] (
  2. [Install JDK 7] (
  3. [Install MSysGit] (
  4. I install maven by dropping it into a directory and adding that directory to my path
  5. Make sure that you set JAVA_HOME if maven cannot find the JDK
  6. Open git bash (I use Console2 and tell it to use GitBash as its shell)
  7. If java -version returns errors, try adding its bin/ installation dir to your PATH.

Building a Raw Package##

  1. cd into your local clone
  2. run '''bash script/'''
  3. If everything went smoothly, then the following command will start the game '''cd pkg && java -jar game.jar'''
  4. Note that this isn't a full distribution. For the updater/launcher you need to wrap this package using conyay