How to run GrimoireLab - X-lab2017/grimoirelab GitHub Wiki
建议:4GB 以上内存。
GrimoireLab 在 GNU/Linux 平台下开发、测试通过。在 Windows 下(包括WSL)可能会出现问题。以下内容在 ubuntu18.04 测试通过。
- 安装 Docker:
- 安装 Docker-Compose:
- 设置系统 vm 参数:
# Linux
$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
# Mac
$ $ screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab/docker-compose
该目录下包含两个 docker-compose.yml,其中 docker-compose-secured.yml 是需要账号/密码认证的版本,建议使用。
默认加载的是 default-grimoirelab-settings 中的配置文件,如需修改配置,直接修改这些配置文件即可。
# 启动时指定.yml文件
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-secured.yml up
# 如果要后台运行
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-secured.yml up -d
启动后即可查看 http://localhost:5601/ 。
# 如果要重启
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-secured.yml restart
# 如果要关掉
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-secured.yml down
- 安装 Docker:
- 设置系统 vm 参数:
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab
$ sudo docker run -p \
-v $(pwd)/default-grimoirelab-settings/projects.json:/projects.json \
-v $(pwd)/default-grimoirelab-settings/setup.cfg:/setup.cfg \
-t grimoirelab/full
- 安装 Docker:
- 安装 Docker-Compose:
- 设置系统 vm 参数:
- Python 与 Pip3
# python 3.5/3.6/3.7
$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.9
# 安装 python3-venv
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt -y install python3-venv
# pip3
$ pip3 --version
pip 20.1.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip (python 3.6)
# 如果未安装 pip:
$ sudo apt install -y python3-pip
# 升级
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
使用 docker-compose 启动,docker-compose.yml 文件内容可参考:
# 新建 docker-compose.yml 并启动
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
编译安装工具位于 grimoirelab/utils/ ,build_grimoirelab 各参数的意思可以通过 build_grimoirelab --help查看,或者参考:
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab/utils
$ ./build_grimoirelab -l debug --logfile /tmp/log --build --install --check \
--relfile ../releases/latest --reposdir /tmp/repos --venv /tmp/venv --install_venv /tmp/ivenv
- -l 指定日志等级
- --logfile 指定日志文件
- --relfile 指定 release 版本文件
- --reposdir 指定下载好的repo存放位置
- --venv 指定用户 build 各模块的 venv
- --install_venv 指定安装各模块的venv
如上,安装好的 venv 位于 /tmp/ivenv:
$ source /tmp/ivenv/bin/activate
可使用 pip3 list 查看已安装的包:
$ pip3 list
运行 sirmodred,默认参数配置文件可参考 default-grimoirelab-settings 目录,可根据需要修改,建议的 setup.cfg 文件内容如下:
short_name = GrimoireLab
update = true
min_update_delay = 60
debug = true
logs_dir = /tmp/logs
# Number of items per bulk request to Elasticsearch
bulk_size = 500
# Number of items to get from Elasticsearch when scrolling
scroll_size = 500
menu_file = ./menu.yaml
aliases_file = ./aliases.json
projects_file = ./projects.json
url = https://admin:admin@localhost:9200
url = https://admin:admin@localhost:9200
host =
user = root
password =
database = demo_sh
load_orgs = true
orgs_file = ./organizations.json
autoprofile = [github, pipermail, git]
matching = [email]
sleep_for = 100
unaffiliated_group = Unknown
affiliate = true
strict_mapping = false
reset_on_load = false
identities_file = [./identities.yml]
identities_format = grimoirelab
kibiter_time_from = now-5y
kibiter_default_index = git
kibiter_url = http://admin:admin@localhost:5601
collection = true
identities = true
enrichment = true
panels = true
raw_index = git_demo_raw
enriched_index = git_demo_enriched
latest-items = true
studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git]
in_index = git_demo_raw
out_index = git-aoc_demo_enriched
in_index = git
out_index = git-onion_demo_enriched
contribs_field = hash
$ cd ../default-grimoirelab-settings/
# 若将上述配置拷贝至 /default-grimoirelab-settings/setup-secured-source-code.cfg
$ sirmordred -c setup-secured-source-code.cfg
大功告成!打开 http://localhost:5601/ 即可看到效果。
- Q:在源码编译安装的时候能不能只指定
A:如不指定 --build 参数,将会从pip源下载包,但pip源上的包不是最新版。指定 --build 参数可以确保安装的是最新版本。
- Q:从 GitHub 拉取仓库速度慢,怎么办?
A:可指定仓库地址文件 reposfile ,切换到从 Gitee 上拉取镜像仓库:
$ ./build_grimoirelab -l debug --logfile /tmp/log --build --install --check \
--relfile ../releases/latest --reposdir /tmp/repos --reposfile repos-from-gitee.json \
--venv /tmp/venv --install_venv /tmp/ivenv
其中 repos-from-gitee.json 文件内容见 附录1.
输出结果见 附录2.
- 在默认配置中,指定日志文件为 /tmp/logs/all.log,因此需要确保 /tmp/logs/ 目录存在:
$ mkdir /tmp/logs
- Error feeding raw from git ( <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1076)>
- macOS下的常见错误,原因是Python 2.7.9 之后引入了一个新特性,当你使用urllib.urlopen一个 https 的时候会验证一次 SSL证书。当目标使用的是自签名的证书时就会报urllib.error.URLError错误——解决方法
repos-from-gitee.json 文件内容如下:
"grimoirelab": [
"name": "grimoirelab",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "grimoirelab/"
"grimoirelab-toolkit": [
"name": "grimoirelab-toolkit",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "grimoirelab-toolkit/"
"perceval": [
"name": "perceval",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "perceval/",
"check_run": "perceval --help"
"perceval-mozilla": [
"name": "perceval-mozilla",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "",
"check_run": "perceval kitsune --help"
"perceval-opnfv": [
"name": "perceval-opnfv",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "",
"check_run": "perceval functest --help"
"perceval-puppet": [
"name": "perceval-puppet",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "",
"check_run": "perceval puppetforge --help"
"perceval-finos": [
"name": "perceval-finos",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "",
"check_run": "perceval finosmeetings --help"
"kingarthur": [
"name": "kingarthur",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "arthur/",
"check_run": "arthurd --help"
"grimoireelk": [
"name": "grimoire-elk",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "grimoire_elk/",
"check_run": " --help"
"sortinghat": [
"name": "sortinghat",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "sortinghat/",
"check_run": "sortinghat --help"
"kidash": [
"name": "kidash",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "kidash/",
"check_run": "kidash --help"
"sigils": [
"name": "grimoirelab-panels",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "panels/"
"manuscripts": [
"name": "manuscripts",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "manuscripts/",
"check_run": "manuscripts --help"
"sirmordred": [
"name": "sirmordred",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "sirmordred/",
"check_run": "sirmordred --help"
"cereslib": [
"name": "cereslib",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "cereslib/"
"graal": [
"name": "graal",
"dir": "",
"repo_url": "",
"version_file": "graal/",
"check_run": "graal --help"
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab/utils
$ ./build_grimoirelab -l debug --logfile /tmp/log --build --install --check \
--relfile ../releases/latest --reposdir /tmp/repos --venv /tmp/venv --install_venv /tmp/ivenv
GrimoireLab release: 0.2.43
Built module grimoirelab: OK
Built module grimoirelab-toolkit: OK
Built module perceval: OK
Built module perceval-mozilla: OK
Built module perceval-opnfv: OK
Built module perceval-puppet: OK
Built module perceval-finos: OK
Built module kingarthur: OK
Built module grimoire-elk: OK
Built module sortinghat: OK
Built module kidash: OK
Built module grimoirelab-panels: OK
Built module manuscripts: OK
Built module sirmordred: OK
Built module cereslib: OK
Built module graal: OK
Installed modules: grimoirelab,grimoirelab-toolkit,perceval,perceval-mozilla,perceval-opnfv,perceval-puppet,perceval-finos,kingarthur,grimoire-elk,sortinghat,kidash,grimoirelab-panels,manuscripts,sirmordred,cereslib,graal
Checking versions...
Checked version for grimoirelab: OK
Checked version for grimoirelab-toolkit: Fail
Checked version for perceval: OK
Checked version for perceval-mozilla: OK
Checked version for perceval-opnfv: OK
Checked version for perceval-puppet: OK
Checked version for perceval-finos: OK
Checked version for kingarthur: OK
Checked version for grimoire-elk: OK
Checked version for sortinghat: OK
Checked version for kidash: OK
Checked version for grimoirelab-panels: OK
Checked version for manuscripts: OK
Checked version for sirmordred: OK
Checked version for cereslib: OK
Checked version for graal: OK
Checking installable (all modules at once)...OK
Checking installable (grimoirelab)...OK
Checking installable (grimoirelab-toolkit)...OK
Checking installable (perceval)...OK
Checking run (perceval)...OK
Checking installable (perceval-mozilla)...OK
Checking run (perceval-mozilla)...OK
Checking installable (perceval-opnfv)...OK
Checking run (perceval-opnfv)...OK
Checking installable (perceval-puppet)...OK
Checking run (perceval-puppet)...OK
Checking installable (perceval-finos)...OK
Checking run (perceval-finos)...OK
Checking installable (kingarthur)...OK
Checking run (kingarthur)...OK
Checking installable (grimoire-elk)...OK
Checking run (grimoire-elk)...OK
Checking installable (sortinghat)...OK
Checking run (sortinghat)...OK
Checking installable (kidash)...OK
Checking run (kidash)...OK
Checking installable (grimoirelab-panels)...OK
Checking installable (manuscripts)...OK
Checking run (manuscripts)...Fail
Checking installable (sirmordred)...OK
Checking run (sirmordred)...OK
Checking installable (cereslib)...OK
Checking installable (graal)...OK
Checking run (graal)...OK
Installed modules (all):
Venv for building in /tmp/venv
Repos for source code in /tmp/repos
Distribution packages in /tmp/tmpbkwdsjq9
Installed modules in /tmp/ivenv