Sound Effect Replacement - X-Hax/SADXModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

Sound effects are located in DAT soundbanks in the system\sounddata folder.

See List of Sound Effects for more information.

To edit sounds effects in SADX PC, use SADXsndSharp from SA Tools.

There are two ways to change sound effects:

  1. Adding edited DAT files to yourmodfolder\system\sounddata\se, which makes the Mod Loader use regular file replacement.
  2. Creating Sound Packs (folder-based soundbanks).

Editing DAT files

  1. Open the DAT archive in SADXsndSharp.
  2. Use the right click menu to replace sound effects.
  3. Save the modified DAT file in yourmodfolder\system\sounddata\se.
  • Save the DAT file in the 2004 format, NOT the 2010 format.
  • Make sure the filename of the edited DAT file matches the original.

Sound Packs

  1. Open the DAT archive in SADXsndSharp.
  2. Click "File" -> "Export Sound Pack..."
  3. Go to yourmodfolder\system\sounddata\se (create the subfolders if necessary) and export the Sound Pack folder. Make sure the name of the folder is the same as the DAT archive filename (e.g. to replace sounds in COMMON_BANK00.DAT you should create a COMMON_BANK00 folder).
  4. You can now replace sounds directly in the folder.

The Mod Loader uses the folder name and the file called index.txt to automatically replace the DAT archive when the game is launched.


  • Sound effects can be in any format supported by vgmstream.
  • Make sure all sound files have extensions matching their format (for example you cannot have an ADX file with a WAV extension, and vice versa).
  • You can rename individual sound effects. The standard naming scheme is 'BXX_00_YY', where XX is the soundbank number and YY is the sound ID in the bank - e.g. B06_00_03 is bank 6 slot 3. If the filename matches the scheme, the sound effect is loaded into the slot number YY. Files that don't match this naming scheme are loaded in the order they appear in the soundbank. Filenames starting with _ are ignored.