Player Gameplay Voice Soundbanks - X-Hax/SADXModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

These sounds are loaded into Bank 6. Most of them are short phrases like "Wow!" or grunts. Sometimes they can be loaded together with cutscene sounds (E_.... ) into the same bank. The voice soundbanks have English an Japanese versions, such as V_E102_E_BANK06 (Gamma, English) and V_E102_J_BANK06 (Gamma, Japanese). Gameplay voices for Sonic and Tails are stored in a single DAT file. These voices and grunts can be used both during gameplay and in cutscenes as sound effects.

  • The voices described above are technically sound effects. Longer phrases and story-related dialog (which are more commonly referred to as "voices") are stored as WMA or ADX files in voice_us and voice_jp folders. They are played by the same sound system that plays music, which is different from the one used to play sound effects.


Filename ID ID (hex) Internal Name Description
B06_00_00 1222 0x4C6 SE_SV_WALLHIT Sonic: Wall hit
B06_00_01 1223 0x4C7 SE_SV_YABA Sonic: Wow! (Sky Deck platform destroyed)
B06_00_02 1224 0x4C8 SE_SV_WAIT Sonic: Pick up
B06_00_03 1225 0x4C9 SE_SV_THROW Sonic: Throw
B06_00_04 1226 0x4CA SE_SV_PUSH Sonic: Push
B06_00_05 1227 0x4CB SE_SV_CHARGED Sonic: Ready? (Light Speed Dash)
B06_00_06 1228 0x4CC SE_SV_LDASH Sonic: Go! (Light Speed Dash)
B06_00_07 1229 0x4CD SE_SV_ITEMGET0 Sonic: Yes! (Sky Deck cannon destroyed, crane grab)
B06_00_08 1230 0x4CE SE_SV_ITEMGET1 Sonic: Here we go! (Unused)
B06_00_09 1231 0x4CF SE_SV_LADDER Sonic: Ladder climbing
B06_00_10 1232 0x4D0 SE_SV_OH Sonic: Whoah! (Ice Cap avalanche)
B06_00_11 1233 0x4D1 SE_SV_DAMAGE Sonic: Hit
B06_00_12 1234 0x4D2 SE_SV_FDAMAGE Sonic: Eh! (unused)
B06_00_13 1235 0x4D3 SE_SV_EDAMAGE Sonic: Uaaaaagh! (unused)
B06_00_14 1236 0x4D4 SE_SV_JUMP1 Sonic: Jump (unused)
B06_00_15 1237 0x4D5 SE_SV_JUMP2 Sonic: Jump (unused)
B06_00_16 1238 0x4D6 SE_MV_WALLHIT Tails: Ugh! (unused?)
B06_00_17 1239 0x4D7 SE_MV_YABA Tails: Wall hit, Sky Deck platform collapsing
B06_00_18 1240 0x4D8 SE_MV_WAIT Tails: Pick up
B06_00_19 1241 0x4D9 SE_MV_THROW Tails: Throw
B06_00_20 1242 0x4DA SE_MV_PUSH Tails: Push
B06_00_21 1243 0x4DB SE_MV_ATTACK1 Tails: Flying start
B06_00_22 1244 0x4DC SE_MV_ATTACK2 Tails: Flying (unused)
B06_00_23 1245 0x4DD SE_MV_ATTACK3 Tails: Flying (unused)
B06_00_24 1246 0x4DE SE_MV_ITEMGET0 Tails: Alright! (Sky Deck crane grab)
B06_00_25 1247 0x4DF SE_MV_ITEMGET1 Tails: Cool! (unused)
B06_00_26 1248 0x4E0 SE_MV_LADDER Tails: Ladde climbing
B06_00_27 1249 0x4E1 SE_MV_DAMAGE Tails: Ouch! (hit)
B06_00_28 1250 0x4E2 SE_MV_FDAMAGE Tails: Oof! (unused)
B06_00_29 1251 0x4E3 SE_MV_EDAMAGE Tails: Uuuuh! (unused)
B06_00_30 1252 0x4E4 SE_MV_JUMP1 Tails: Yah! (unused)
B06_00_31 1253 0x4E5 SE_MV_JUMP2 Tails: Eep! (unused)

Additional Player Voices

These sound IDs redirect to the ADX/WMA system and play voices instead. Voice descriptions taken from Sonic Retro Wiki.

Sound ID ID (hex) Internal Name Voice ID Character Description
1385 0x569 SE_AV_ADVERTIZE 1730 Amy "It's my turn now!"
1386 0x56A SE_AV_CARTGOAL 1731 Amy "Alright!"
1387 0x56B SE_AV_CARTJUMP 1732 Amy "Yay!"
1388 0x56C SE_AV_CLEAR 1733 Amy "Alright!"
1389 0x56D SE_AV_CLEARBAD 1734 Amy "phew That was close!"
1390 0x56E SE_AV_CLEARBOSS 1735 Amy "See? I can do this!"
1391 0x56F SE_AV_CLEARGOOD 1736 Amy "I'm free!"
1392 0x570 SE_AV_CLEARBEST 1737 Amy "Wow; I'm good!"
1393 0x571 SE_AV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1738 Amy "Hey; let go of me!"
1394 0x572 SE_AV_EDAMAGE 1739 Amy "Oo-oo-ooh!"
1395 0x573 SE_AV_DEAD 1740 Amy "Oh no!"
1396 0x574 SE_AV_FALLDEAD 1741 Amy "Whoa!"
1397 0x575 SE_AV_NOAIRDEAD 1742 Amy "Bbrrr!"
1398 0x576 SE_AV_TAIHOU0 1743 Amy "Wah!"
1399 0x577 SE_BV_ADVERTIZE 1744 Big "Hold on Froggy! I'm coming!"
1400 0x578 SE_BV_BIGFISH 1745 Big "Wow; it's big!"
1401 0x579 SE_BV_CARTGOAL 1746 Big "Hm!"
1402 0x57A SE_BV_CLEAR 1747 Big "Fro-ggy!"
1403 0x57B SE_BV_CLEARBAD 1748 Big "Maybe next time."
1404 0x57C SE_BV_CLEARBEST 1749 Big "What a gag[?]"
1405 0x57D SE_BV_CLEARBOSS 1750 Big "Froggy! Are you okay?"
1406 0x57E SE_BV_CLEARGOOD 1751 Big "Not too bad!"
1407 0x57F SE_BV_CUT1 1752 Big inhales
1408 0x580 SE_BV_CUT2 1753 Big "Oh no."
1409 0x581 SE_BV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1754 Big giggles
1410 0x582 SE_BV_DEAD 1755 Big "Oof!"
1411 0x583 SE_BV_DONTFISH 1756 Big "Oh no!"
1412 0x584 SE_BV_FALLDEAD 1757 Big "Wah!!"
1413 0x585 SE_BV_FISHUP 1758 Big "I got a fish!"
1414 0x586 SE_BV_HIT 1759 Big "Something's biting!"
1415 0x587 SE_BV_ITEMGET0 1760 Big "Super!"
1416 0x588 SE_BV_MIDDLEFISH 1761 Big "Oh well. It's okay."
1417 0x589 SE_BV_NOAIRDEAD 1762 Big gurggles
1418 0x58A SE_BV_SMALLFISH 1763 Big "Geez; it's small."
1419 0x58B SE_BV_TAIHOU0 1764 Big "Whooaa!!"
1420 0x58C SE_BV_WHATISTHIS 1765 Big "What's this?"
1421 0x58D SE_BV_YAHOO 1766 Big "Allright!"
1422 0x58E SE_EV_ADVERTIZE 1767 E-102 "Preperation complete."
1423 0x58F SE_EV_CARTGOAL 1768 E-102 "Driving complete."
1424 0x590 SE_EV_CARTJUMP 1769 E-102 robotic beeps
1425 0x591 SE_EV_CLEAR 1770 E-102 "Misson complete."
1426 0x592 SE_EV_CLEAR_E101 1771 E-102 "E-101 Beta: rescue complete."
1427 0x593 SE_EV_CLEAR_EME 1772 E-102 "Frog capture complete."
1428 0x594 SE_EV_CLEAR_HOT 1773 E-102 "E-105 Zeta: rescue complete."
1429 0x595 SE_EV_CLEAR_MT 1774 E-102 "E-104 Epsilon: rescue complete."
1430 0x596 SE_EV_CLEAR_WIND 1775 E-102 "E-103 Delta: rescue complete."
1431 0x597 SE_EV_DAMAGE 1776 E-102 robotic beeping
1432 0x598 SE_EV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1777 E-102 "Running impossible."
1433 0x599 SE_EV_DEAD 1778 E-102 "Mission failed."
1434 0x59A SE_EV_FACEACT0 1779 E-102 "Ha. Ha. Ha."
1435 0x59B SE_EV_FACEACT1 1780 E-102 "Er...."
1436 0x59C SE_EV_FACEACT2 1781 E-102 "Er..."
1437 0x59D SE_EV_FACEACT3 1782 E-102 "Ba-bo-ba-ba-baby."
1438 0x59E SE_EV_READY0 1783 E-102 (JP) "Babyy" (Japanese)
1439 0x59F SE_EV_READY1 1784 E-102 (JP) "BAby" (Japanese)
1440 0x5A0 SE_EV_SURPRISE 1785 E-102 Robotic whirring
1441 0x5A1 SE_EV_TIMEUP 1786 E-102 "Activity ceased."
1442 0x5A2 SE_KV_ADVERTIZE 1787 Knuckles "Okay! Let's go!"
1443 0x5A3 SE_KV_CARTGOAL 1788 Knuckles "Yeeah!"
1444 0x5A4 SE_KV_CARTJUMP 1789 Knuckles "Whoa!"
1445 0x5A5 SE_KV_CLEAR 1790 Knuckles "Found it!"
1446 0x5A6 SE_KV_CLEARBAD 1791 Knuckles "I can do better than that."
1447 0x5A7 SE_KV_CLEARBEST 1792 Knuckles "That was easy."
1448 0x5A8 SE_KV_CLEARBOSS 1793 Knuckles "Is that all you've got?"
1449 0x5A9 SE_KV_CLEARGOOD 1794 Knuckles "Heh. Good enough."
1450 0x5AA SE_KV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1795 Knuckles "Ohh!"
1451 0x5AB SE_KV_DEAD 1796 Knuckles "I'm a goner."
1452 0x5AC SE_KV_NOAIRDEAD 1797 Knuckles gurggling
1453 0x5AD SE_KV_FALLDEAD 1798 Knuckles "Aaahhh!"
1454 0x5AE SE_KV_TAIHOU0 1799 Knuckles "Whooa!"
1455 0x5AF SE_MV_ADVERTIZE 1800 Tails "Here I come; Sonic!"
1456 0x5B0 SE_MV_CARTGOAL 1801 Tails "Whoo!"
1457 0x5B1 SE_MV_CARTJUMP 1802 Tails "Allright!"
1458 0x5B2 SE_MV_CLEAR 1803 Tails "Yeeaah!"
1459 0x5B3 SE_MV_CLEARBAD 1804 Tails "Phew! I made it in time!"
1460 0x5B4 SE_MV_CLEARBEST 1805 Tails "I did it; Sonic!"
1461 0x5B5 SE_MV_CLEARBOSS 1806 Tails "Alright; I did it!"
1462 0x5B6 SE_MV_CLEARGOOD 1807 Tails "That wasn't too bad."
1463 0x5B7 SE_MV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1808 Tails "Hey!!"
1464 0x5B8 SE_MV_DEAD 1809 Tails "Sonic..."
1465 0x5B9 SE_MV_FALLDEAD 1810 Tails "Wah!"
1466 0x5BA SE_MV_XXITEMGET0 1811 Tails "Alright!"
1467 0x5BB SE_MV_XXITEMGET1 1812 Tails "Cool."
1468 0x5BC SE_MV_NOAIRDEAD 1813 Tails coughs
1469 0x5BD SE_MV_OH 1814 Tails "Augh!"
1470 0x5BE SE_MV_SNOW_1 1815 Tails "Yay!"
1471 0x5BF SE_MV_SNOW_2 1816 Tails "Hah!"
1472 0x5C0 SE_MV_SNOW_3 1817 Tails "Hah!"
1473 0x5C1 SE_MV_TAIHOU0 1818 Tails "Aahh!"
1474 0x5C2 SE_MV_TAIHOU1 1819 Tails "Oouhh!"
1475 0x5C3 SE_MV_TIRED 1820 Tails tires out
1476 0x5C4 SE_MV_TIRELIMIT 1821 Tails tires out
1477 0x5C5 SE_MV_TIRELIMIT1 1822 Tails tires out
1478 0x5C6 SE_SV_ADRIB00 1823 Sonic "You made it!"
1479 0x5C7 SE_SV_ADRIB01 1824 Sonic "You got it!"
1480 0x5C8 SE_SV_ADRIB02 1825 Sonic "I made it!"
1481 0x5C9 SE_SV_ADRIB03 1826 Sonic "I got it!"
1482 0x5CA SE_SV_ADRIB04 1827 Sonic "Good going!"
1483 0x5CB SE_SV_ADRIB05 1828 Sonic "Hey; hey; hey!"
1484 0x5CC SE_SV_ADRIB06 1829 Sonic "Come on!"
1485 0x5CD SE_SV_ADRIB07 1830 Sonic "I win!"
1486 0x5CE SE_SV_ADRIB08 1831 Sonic "Let's get going!"
1487 0x5CF SE_SV_ADRIB09 1832 Sonic "Hang in there!"
1488 0x5D0 SE_SV_ADRIB10 1833 Sonic "Wait; wait; wait!"
1489 0x5D1 SE_SV_ADRIB11 1834 Sonic "Hold it!"
1490 0x5D2 SE_SV_ADRIB12 1835 Sonic "Hurray!"
1491 0x5D3 SE_SV_ADRIB13 1836 Sonic "Okey-dokey!"
1492 0x5D4 SE_SV_ADVERTIZE 1837 Sonic "Let's get 'em!"
1493 0x5D5 SE_SV_CARTGOAL 1838 Sonic "Yes!"
1494 0x5D6 SE_SV_CARTJUMP 1839 Sonic "Woohoo!"
1495 0x5D7 SE_SV_CLEAR 1840 Sonic "Yes."
1496 0x5D8 SE_SV_CLEARBAD 1841 Sonic "Hey; pump it up!"
1497 0x5D9 SE_SV_CLEARBEST 1842 Sonic "whistles Sweet!"
1498 0x5DA SE_SV_CLEARBOSS 1843 Sonic "Hey; I'll play with you some other time!"
1499 0x5DB SE_SV_CLEARGOOD 1844 Sonic "Yeah; not bad!"
1500 0x5DC SE_SV_DAMAGECAPTURED 1845 Sonic "Hey; let go!"
1501 0x5DD SE_SV_XXDAMAGEFLAME1 1846 Sonic "Ah!"
1502 0x5DE SE_SV_DEAD 1847 Sonic "No!"
1503 0x5DF SE_SV_FALLDEAD 1848 Sonic "No!!"
1504 0x5E0 SE_SV_XXITEMGET0 1849 Sonic "Yes!"
1505 0x5E1 SE_SV_XXITEMGET1 1850 Sonic "Here we go!"
1506 0x5E2 SE_SV_NOAIRDEAD 1851 Sonic struggles
1507 0x5E3 SE_SV_SNOW_3 1852 Sonic "Yeah!"
1508 0x5E4 SE_SV_SNOW_4 1853 Sonic "Oh-kay!"
1509 0x5E5 SE_SV_TAIHOU0 1854 Sonic "Wwhoa!"
1510 0x5E6 SE_SV_TAIHOU1 1855 Sonic "Whoa!"
1511 0x5E7 SE_ELEV 1856 ?
1512 0x5E8 SE_SBRIDGE_GISHI 1857 ?
1513 0x5E9 SE_E_SAIJET 1858 ?
1514 0x5EA SE_E_SAISTART 1859 ?
1515 0x5EB SE_HEBIBOOST 1860 ?
1516 0x5EC SE_NUMBER 1861 ?