File Formats - X-Hax/SADXModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

This page lists all file formats/extensions in SA1 Dreamcast and SADX along with the tools to work with these files. Italics indicate that the program is part of the SA Tools suite.

Extension Description Tool(s)
PVR Dreamcast PowerVR texture Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools, PVRViewer, WinPVR etc.
PVP External palette for a PVR texture Puyo Tools
PVM Dreamcast texture archive Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools
GVR Gamecube variation of PVR Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools
GVM Gamecube variation of PVM Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools
GVP Gamecube variation of PVP Puyo Tools
MPG MPEG1 video (SADX PC only) FFMPEG, VLC etc. SADXPC video was encoded with TGMPEnc version
ADX CRI compressed audio vgmstream, adx2wav, adxencd, FFMPEG etc.
SFD CRI video format (MPEG1 video + ADX audio) FFMPEG, Dreamcast Video Creator, sfd2mpg
PRS Generic compressed binary (Game Gear games in SADX, all PVMs and binaries in SA1 DC) ArchiveTool, PuyoTools, Texture Editor (for PRS-compressed PVMs)
NB Models+animations binary Split, NBTool
PB Dreamcast texture archive (headerless) ArchiveTool
MLT Dreamcast soundbank MLTExtract
DAT SADX PC soundbank SADXSndSharp
DLL Binaries containing models for characters, Adventure Fields, Chaos 0 and the Mystic Ruins Chao garden SA Tools Hub, Split, SAMDL

BIN files

Name or extension Description Tool(s)
SET*.BIN Object layout for a level SALVL, SETEdit, DXEdit etc.
SETMI*.BIN Mission layout for a level SALVL
PRMMI*.BIN Mission parameters for a level SALVL
CAM*.BIN Camera layout for a level SALVL
SS_MES*.BIN Text strings used by NPCs in Station Square SADXTweaker2, SA1 Text Injector
MR_MES*.BIN Text strings used by NPCs in the Mystic Ruins SADXTweaker2, SA1 Text Injector
PAST_MES*.BIN Text strings used by NPCs in the Past SADXTweaker2, SA1 Text Injector
CHAODX_MESSAGE*.BIN Chao-related text SADXTweaker2, SA1 Text Injector
MSGAL*.BIN Chao Black Market and Name Machine text SADXTweaker2, SA1 Text Injector
K_*.BIN Gameplay demos played after waiting on the title screen SADX Demo Converter
FONTDATA0.BIN Japanese font (2004+ only) SAFontEdit
FONTDATA1.BIN Western European font (2004+ only) SAFontEdit
EFMSGFONT_ASCII24E.BIN English font (Impress) (used in Chao menus in 2004+) SAFontEdit
EFMSGFONT_ASCII24S.BIN Western European font (Comic Sans) (used in Chao menus in 2004+) SAFontEdit
EFMSGFONT_KANJI24.BIN Japanese font (used in Chao menus in 2004+) SAFontEdit
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