Stage Animation List - X-Hax/SA2BModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

This table lists all the animations found in the stage folders, by using the new SA Tools HUB. For animations such as swimming, the Dreamcast version has these stored in each hunting charcater's PRS animation archive. In the ports, these animations are copy/pasted into each hunting stage which requires swimming. TIP: If you have already edited an animation and want to bring it to other stages which have a copy of the animation you edited, you can paste your edited JSON file, change the animation name to the copy's, then convert the animation.

Table of Contents

  1. City Escape
  2. Green Forest

City Escape

[Project name]\stg13_cityescape\Character Animations.

Click here for Speed-Type Special Animations

DC ID SA2B ID Description Notes
86 = Looking at acquired Level-Up Item Used in all stages except for Cannon's Core, Green Hill, 2P levels, and boss encounters
121 = Lean left on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
122 = Lean right on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
123 = Lean left on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
124 = Lean right on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
125 = Brake left on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
126 = Brake right on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
127 = Jump with board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
128 = In midair with board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
129 = Falling with board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
130 = Falling with board after trick Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
131 = Knocked over on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
132 = Knocked over on board Used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
N/A 133 Shadow board trick (Nice!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 134 Shadow board trick (Cool!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 135 Shadow board trick (Awesome!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 136 Metal Sonic board trick (Nice!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 137 Metal Sonic board trick (Cool!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 138 Metal Sonic board trick (Awesome!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 139 Amy board trick (Nice!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 140 Amy board trick (Cool!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 141 Amy board trick (Awesome!) SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
133 142 Sonic board trick (Awesome!) Used in City Escape and Downtown Race
134 143 Sonic board trick (Cool!) Used in City Escape and Downtown Race
135 144 Sonic board trick (Nice!) Used in City Escape and Downtown Race
136 145 Lean left Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
137 146 Lean right Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
138 147 Lean left Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
139 148 Lean right Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
140 149 Braking left Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
141 150 Braking right Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
142 151 Jump Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
143 152 Midair Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
144 153 Falling Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
145 154 Falling after trick Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
146 155 Knocked over Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
147 156 Knocked over Board animation, used in City Escape, Downtown Race, and Metal Harbor
N/A 157 Shadow board trick (Nice!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 158 Shadow board trick (Cool!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 159 Shadow board trick (Awesome!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 160 Metal Sonic board trick (Nice!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 161 Metal Sonic board trick (Cool!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 162 Metal Sonic board trick (Awesome!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 163 Amy board trick (Nice!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 164 Amy board trick (Cool!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
N/A 165 Amy board trick (Awesome!) Board animation, SA2B Only, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
148 166 Sonic board trick (Awesome!) Board animation, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
149 167 Sonic board trick (Cool!) Board animation, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
150 168 Sonic board trick (Nice!) Board animation, used in City Escape and Downtown Race
174 192 Swing on horizontal bar (Counterclockwise)
175 193 Swing on horizontal bar (Clockwise)
176 194 Horizontal bar trick launch (Clockwise)
177 195 Horizontal bar trick launch (Counterclockwise)
178 196 Horizontal bar trick spin to air (Clockwise)
179 197 Horizontal bar trick spin to air (Counterclockwise)
180 198 Horizontal bar trick air loop

Green Forest

[Project name]\stg03_greenforest\Character Animations.

ID Description
86 Looking at Ancient Light upgrade
185 Vine grab to hang transition
186 Vine hang loop
187 Bungee flail loop
188 Bungee dive loop (hold A)
189 Bungee start to flail transition
194 & 195 Bungee flail to roll transition
196 & 197 Roll pose
198 Roll to fall transition
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️