Setting up Your Mod Folder - X-Hax/SA2BModdingGuide GitHub Wiki


This tutorial will teach you how to create a basic Mod folder that can be recognized and ran with the Sonic Adventure 2 Mod Manager.

Mod folders are needed for all mods, however if you are building a mod with a tool, such as SATools, mod folders may be generated or given to you.

Creating a Mod

  1. Open the Mod Manager.
  2. Click "New Mod."
  3. Fill in the required information, and hit 'OK.'

Once you finish, the SA2 Mod Manager will automatically create a Mod folder for you inside of your SA2 'mods' folder. You can open the mod folder by right clicking on your mod, and clicking "Open Folder." This will now be the home for your mod, and will hold all the code, assets, and more that you will need.

Note: You may need to manually modify your mod folder if you would like to include assets. This includes making a 'gd_PC' sub folder for regular game assets, as well as any additional subfolders, such as 'gd_PC/PRS' for texture pak replacements.

If you would like, you can also manually create a mod folder and mod.ini for yourself. Down below is a list of parameters you can use in your mod.ini, that can range from general info to auto-updating information:

DLLFile=(DLL Mod)
UpdateUrl=(FTP Update)
ChangelogUrl=(FTP Update)
GitHubRepo=(GitHub Update)
GitHubAsset=(GitHub Update)
GameBananaItemType=(Game Banana Update)
GameBananaItemId=(Game Banana Update)

Now you can do one of the following: