File Formats - X-Hax/SA2BModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

This page lists all file formats/extensions in SA2 Dreamcast and SA2B along with the tools to work with these files. Italics indicate that the program is part of the SA Tools suite.

Extension Description Tool(s)
PVR Dreamcast PowerVR texture Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools, PVRViewer, WinPVR etc.
PVP External palette for a PVR texture Puyo Tools
PVM Dreamcast texture archive Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools
GVR Gamecube variation of PVR Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools
GVP Gamecube variation of PVP Puyo Tools
GVM Gamecube variation of PVM Texture Editor, ArchiveTool, Puyo Tools, all GVM files are compressed into PRS archives
M1V MPEG1 video FFMPEG, VLC etc.
ADX CRI compressed audio vgmstream, adx2wav, adxencd, FFMPEG etc.
SFD CRI video format (MPEG1 video + ADX audio) FFMPEG, Dreamcast Video Creator, sfd2mpg
PRS Generic compressed binary (All texture archives and some binaries in SA2B, most PVMs and binaries in SA2 DC) ArchiveTool, PuyoTools, Texture Editor (for PRS-compressed PVMs/GVMs)
MLT Dreamcast soundbank pack MLTExtract
MPB Dreamcast single soundbank MLTExtract
CSB Soundbank archive (2012 Port only)
PAK Generic archive (Mainly used for edited texture archives, but can also contain other file formats) PAKTool
REL GameCube binaries containing most of the general codebase and stage data for the GameCube version SA Tools Hub, Split, SAMDL
DLL Binary containing stage data and assets related to Chao, Kart Racing, and 2P Battle screens SA Tools Hub, Split, SAMDL

BIN files

Filename Description Tool(s)
SET*.BIN Object layout for a level SALVL, SETEdit etc.
SET*_2P.BIN Multiplayer object layout for a level SALVL, SETEdit etc.
SET*_HD.BIN Hard Mode object layout for a level SALVL, SETEdit etc.
*_LIGHT.BIN Object lighting for a level
*_FOG.BIN Fog settings for a level
EFMSGFONT_ASCII24E.BIN English font (Comic Sans) SADXFontEdit
EFMSGFONT_ASCII24S.BIN Western European font (Comic Sans) SADXFontEdit
EFMSGFONT_KANJI24.BIN Japanese font SADXFontEdit
CHAORACECAM*.BIN Chao Race cameras
CHAOSETRACE*.BIN Chao Race object layout SALVL, SETEdit etc.
MSGCHAOENTRANCE_*.BIN Chao Race Lobby text strings
MSGCHAOKARATENAME_*.BIN Chao Karate fighter names
E*MOTION.BIN Event animation data