Character Model Structures - X-Hax/SA2BModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

Most characters in Sonic Adventure 2 share a similar node structure for their models. Below is a general list of what can be found for each player character's node lists.

Bones with an asterisk (*) after them indicate the game using them for automatic animation, such as character leaning, head & eye animation.

Speed/Hunting-type Characters and Tails

ID Description
0 Root node
1 Root node 2 (Main array for the body)
2 Body node (Parent)
3 Body node (Parent 2)
4 Legs + Tail node (Parent)
5 Legs + Tail node (Parent 2)
6 Right Leg (Parent)
7 Right Leg node (hip)
8 Right Leg node (thigh)
9 Right Leg node (knee)
10 Right Leg node (end)
11 Right Foot node (Parent, sometimes contains array)
12 Right Foot node (Parent 2)
13 Right Foot node (Heel)
14 Right Foot node (Toe)
15 Right Foot node (End)
16 Left Leg (Parent)
17 Left Leg node (hip)
18 Left Leg node (thigh)
19 Left Leg node (knee)
20 Left Leg node (end)
21 Left Foot node (Parent, sometimes contains its array)
22 Left Foot node (Parent 2)
23 Left Foot node (Heel)
24 Left Foot node (toe)
25 Left Foot node (end)
26 Tail (Parent)
27 Tail node (base)
28 Tail node (2nd from base)
29 Tail node (2nd from end)
30 Tail node (end)
31 Chest node (Parent)
32 Chest node (middle)
33 Head + Arms node (Parent)
34* Head + Arms node (Parent 2)
35 Left Arm (Parent, contains arm array)
36 Left Arm (Parent 2)
37 Left Arm node (base)
38 Left Arm node (elbow)
39 Left Arm node (wrist)
40 Left hand (Parent)
41 Left hand (Parent 2)
42 Left Hand
43* Face node (Parent)
44 Face node (Parent 2)
45 Face node (Parent 3)
46 Muzzle (Parent)
47 Muzzle (Brain, in Chaos Zero's case)
48 Head (Parent)
49 Head
50* Right eye (Parent)
51 Right eye
52* Left eye (Parent)
53 Left eye
54 Right Arm (Parent, contains arm array)
55 Right Arm (Parent 2)
56 Right Arm node (base)
57 Right Arm node (elbow)
58 Right Arm node (wrist)
59 Right hand (Parent)
60 Right Hand (Parent 2)
61 Right hand


ID Description
0 Root node
1 Root node 2 (Main array for the body)
2 Body node (Parent)
3 Body node (Parent 2)
4 Legs node (Parent)
5 Legs node (Parent 2)
6 Right Leg node (Parent)
7 Right Leg node (hip)
8 Right Leg node (thigh)
9 Right Leg node (knee)
10 Right Leg node (End)
11 Right Foot node (Parent)
12 Right Foot node (calf)
13 Right Foot node (heel)
14 Right Foot node (toe)
15 Left Leg node (Parent)
16 Left Leg node (hip)
17 Left Leg node (thigh)
18 Left Leg node (knee)
19 Left Leg node (end)
20 Left Foot node (Parent)
21 Left Foot node (calf)
22 Left Foot node (heel)
23 Left Foot node (toe)
24 Chest node (Parent)
25 Chest node (middle)
26 Head + Arms node (Parent)
27 Head + Arms node (Parent 2)
28 Left Arm (Parent)
29 Left Arm node (base)
30 Left Arm node (elbow)
31 Left Arm node (wrist)
32 Left Hand node (Parent)
33 Left Hand node (Parent 2)
34 Left Hand
35 Face node (Parent)
36 Face node (Parent 2)
37 Face node (Parent 3)
38 Head
39 Right Arm (Parent)
40 Right Arm node (base)
41 Right Arm node (elbow)
42 Right Arm node (wrist)
43 Right hand node (Parent)
44 Right hand node (Parent 2)
45 Right hand

Mech Eggman

ID Description
0 Root node
1 Mech's Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Left Leg node (base)
3 Mech's Left Leg node (calf)
4 Mech's Left Foot node (heel)
5 Mech's Left Foot node (toe)
6 Mech's Right Leg node (base)
7 Mech's Right Leg node (calf)
8 Mech's Right Leg node (heel)
9 Mech's Right Leg node (toe)
10 Mech's Chest node (Parent)
11 Missile/Laser Blaster node
12 Lock-on Laser node
13 Cannon node
14 Pilot's root node
15 Pilot's chest node (Contains array for the body)
16 Pilot's Arms node (Parent)
17 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
18 Pilot's Left Arm node (base)
19 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
20 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
21 Pilot's Left hand node (Parent)
22 Pilot's Left hand
23 Pilot's Right Arm node (Parent)
24 Pilot's Right arm node (base)
25 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
26 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
27 Pilot's Right hand node (Parent)
28 Pilot's Right hand
29 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
30 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
31 Pilot's Head
32 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)

Mech Tails

ID Description
0 Mech's Root node
1 Mech's Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Chest node (Parent)
3 Cannon node
4 Lock-on Laser node
5 Pilot's root node
6 Pilot's Chest node
7 Pilot's Left Arm node (base, contains array for arm)
8 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
9 Pilot's Left Arm node (Armpit)
10 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
11 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
12 Pilot's Left hand
13 Pilot's Right arm node (base, contains array for arm)
14 Pilot's Right arm node (Parent)
15 Pilot's Right arm node (armpit)
16 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
17 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
18 Pilot's Right hand
19 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
20 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
21 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)
22 Pilot's Right eye
23 Pilot's Left eye
24 Pilot's head
25 Pilot's face node (end)
26 Yoke node
27 Mech's Right foot node (base)
28 Mech's Right foot node (calf)
29 Mech's Right foot node (toe)
30 Mech's Left foot node (base)
31 Mech's Left foot node (calf)
32 Mech's Left foot node (toe)

Chao Walker/Dark Chao Walker

ID Description
0 Root node
1 Mech's Arms + Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Right Arm
3 Mech's Left Foot node (base)
4 Mech's Left Foot node (heel)
5 Mech's Left Foot node (toe)
6 Mech's Left Arm
7 Mech's Right Foot node (base)
8 Mech's Right Foot node (heel)
9 Mech's Right Foot node (toe)
10 Mech's Chest node (parent)
11 Lock-on Laser node
12 Floating ball node
13 Cannon shot node
14 Pilot's root node
15 Pilot's chest node
16 Pilot's Arms node (Parent)
17 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
18 Pilot's Left Arm node (base)
19 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
20 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
21 Pilot's Left hand node (Parent)
22 Pilot's Left hand
23 Pilot's Right arm node (Parent)
24 Pilot's Right arm node (base)
25 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
26 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
27 Pilot's Right hand node (Parent)
28 Pilot's Right hand
29 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
30 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
31 Pilot's Head
32 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)