Character Animation IDs - X-Hax/SA2BModdingGuide GitHub Wiki

This page lists the data present in each character's animation lists. These lists will focus primarily on the data present within SA2B.

By default, every list will have multiple gaps because not all entries are treated as proper actions by the game. Some characters are also unable to utilize actions that their counterparts use (Amy and Metal Sonic can't use the Spin Dash through normal means, for example), but the game requires that those slots remain within their lists.

As the length of every list is quite large, they have been split into categories for ease of access and will be automatically hidden unless each link is clicked.

Table of Contents

Multiplayer Character Animation List Data

In the Dreamcast version, Amy is the only multiplayer character to have an animation list of her own. All other multiplayer characters copy the same lists used by their main game counterparts in that version.

Animation Properties

Each character's animation list denotes a property for each of their animations, which determines how they're supposed to play in-game. Below are the possible values that the game can recognize, as well as what they do.
Any value above 13 will crash the game if the affected animation is called. These can be changed through a DLL mod which includes the character animation lists that can be exported to C++ using SA Tools HUB.

ID Description
0 Always the first frame
1 Always the first frame
2 Skip animation, puts the player in its default pose
3 Loop animation
4 Play once, hard transition
5 Play once, hard transition
6 Play once, then stop at last frame
7 Play reverse from last frame
8 Play reverse from last frame then stop at first frame
9 Play once, smooth transition
10 Directional input (slow)
11 Directional input (normal)
12 Directional input (fast)
13 Manually controlled in code (first frame otherwise)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️