Get GitHubComment - X-Guardian/PowerShellForGitHub GitHub Wiki
Get the Issue comments for a given GitHub repository.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
Get-GitHubIssueComment -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
Get all of the Issue comments for the microsoft\PowerShellForGitHub project.
$repo = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
$repo | Get-GitHubIssueComment -Since ([DateTime]::Now).AddDays(-1)
Get all of the Issue comments for the microsoft\PowerShellForGitHub project since yesterday.
$issue = $repo | Get-GitHubIssueComment -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Issue 1
Get the comments Issue #1 in the microsoft\PowerShellForGitHub project.
$repo = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
$issue = $repo | Get-GitHubIssue -Issue 1 $issue | Get-GitHubIssueComment
Get the comments Issue #1 in the microsoft\PowerShellForGitHub project.
$repo = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
$issue = $repo | Get-GitHubIssue -Issue 1 $comments = $issue | Get-GitHubIssueComment $comment[0] | Get-GitHubIssueComment
Get the most recent comment on Issue #1 in the microsoft\PowerShellForGitHub project by passing it in via the pipeline. This shows some of the different types of objects you can pipe into this function.
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.