AdfsWebApiApplication - X-Guardian/AdfsDsc GitHub Wiki



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Specifies a name for the Web API application.
ApplicationGroup Identifier Required String Specifies the ID of an application group for the Web API application.
Identifier Required StringArray[] Specifies an identifier for the Web API application.
Description Write String Specifies a description for the Web API application.
Ensure Write String Specifies whether the Web API application should be present or absent. Default value is 'Present'. Present, Absent
Allowed AuthenticationClass References Write StringArray[] Specifies an array of allow authentication class references.
ClaimsProviderName Write StringArray[] Specifies an array of claims provider names that you can configure for a relying party trust for Home Realm Discovery (HRD) scenario.
Issuance AuthorizationRules Write String Specifies the issuance authorization rules.
Delegation AuthorizationRules Write String Specifies delegation authorization rules.
Impersonation AuthorizationRules Write String Specifies the impersonation authorization rules.
IssuanceTransform Rules Write MSFT_AdfsIssuanceTransformRule[] Specifies the issuance transform rules.
Additional AuthenticationRules Write String Specifies additional authentication rules.
AccessControlPolicy Name Write String Specifies the name of an access control policy.
AccessControlPolicy Parameters Write MSFT_AdfsAccessControlPolicyParameters Specifies the parameters and their values to pass to the Access Control Policy.
NotBeforeSkew Write SInt32 Specifies the not before skew value.
TokenLifetime Write SInt32 Specifies the token lifetime.
AlwaysRequire Authentication Write Boolean Indicates that this Web API application role always requires authentication, even if it previously authenticated credentials for access. Specify this parameter to require users to always supply credentials to access sensitive resources.
AllowedClientTypes Write StringArray[] Specifies allowed client types. None, Public, Confidential
IssueOAuthRefresh TokensTo Write String Specifies the refresh token issuance device types. NoDevice, WorkplaceJoinedDevices, AllDevices
RefreshToken ProtectionEnabled Write Boolean Indicates whether refresh token protection is enabled.
RequestMFAFromClaims Providers Write Boolean Indicates that the request MFA from claims providers option is used.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
LdapAttribute Required String Specifies the LDAP attribute.
OutgoingClaimType Required String Specifies the outgoing claim type.



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
TemplateName Required String Specifies the name of the claim rule template LdapClaims, EmitGroupClaims, CustomClaims
Name Required String Specifies the name of the claim rule
AttributeStore Write String Specifies the attribute store from which to extract LDAP attributes
LdapMapping Write MSFT_AdfsLdapMapping[] Specifies the mapping pairs of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types
GroupName Write String Specifies the Active Directory group.
OutgoingClaimType Write String Specifies the outgoing claim type.
OutgoingNameIDFormat Write String Specifies the outgoing Name ID format if Name ID is specified as the outgoing claim type.
OutgoingClaimValue Write String Specifies the outgoing claim value.
CustomRule Write String Specifies the custom claim rule



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
GroupParameter Write StringArray[] Specifies the Group Parameter.


The AdfsWebApiApplication DSC resource manages Web API Applications within Active Directory Federation Services. Web Api Applications are a construct that represents a web API secured by ADFS.


  • Target machine must be running ADFS on Windows Server 2016 or above to use this resource.


Example 1

This configuration will add a Web API application to an application group in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsWebApiApplication_Config

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsApplicationGroup AppGroup1
            Name        = 'AppGroup1'
            Description = "This is the AppGroup1 Description"

        AdfsWebApiApplication WebApiApp1
            Name                          = 'AppGroup1 - Web API'
            ApplicationGroupIdentifier    = 'AppGroup1'
            Identifier                    = 'e7bfb303-c5f6-4028-a360-b6293d41338c'
            Description                   = 'App1 Web Api'
            AccessControlPolicyName       = 'Permit everyone'
            AlwaysRequireAuthentication   = $false
            AllowedClientTypes            = 'Public', 'Confidential'
            IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo     = 'AllDevices'
            NotBeforeSkew                 = 0
            RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled = $true
            RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders = $false
            TokenLifetime                 = 0

Example 2

This configuration will add a Web API application with an LDAP Claims issuance transform rule to an application group in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsWebApiApplication_LdapClaims_IssuanceTransformRules_Config

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsApplicationGroup AppGroup1
            Name        = 'AppGroup1'
            Description = "This is the AppGroup1 Description"

        AdfsWebApiApplication WebApiApp1
            Name                          = 'AppGroup1 - Web API'
            ApplicationGroupIdentifier    = 'AppGroup1'
            Identifier                    = 'e7bfb303-c5f6-4028-a360-b6293d41338c'
            Description                   = 'App1 Web Api'
            AccessControlPolicyName       = 'Permit everyone'
            AlwaysRequireAuthentication   = $false
            AllowedClientTypes            = 'Public', 'Confidential'
            IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo     = 'AllDevices'
            NotBeforeSkew                 = 0
            RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled = $true
            RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders = $false
            TokenLifetime                 = 0
            IssuanceTransformRules        = @(
                    TemplateName   = 'LdapClaims'
                    Name           = 'App1 Ldap Claims'
                    AttributeStore = 'Active Directory'
                    LdapMapping    = @(
                            LdapAttribute     = 'mail'
                            OutgoingClaimType = ''
                            LdapAttribute     = 'sn'
                            OutgoingClaimType = ''

Example 3

This configuration will add a Web API application with an Emit Group Claims Issuance Transform rule to an application group in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsWebApiApplication_EmitGroupClaims_IssuanceTransformRules_Config

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsApplicationGroup AppGroup1
            Name        = 'AppGroup1'
            Description = "This is the AppGroup1 Description"

        AdfsWebApiApplication WebApiApp1
            Name                          = 'AppGroup1 - Web API'
            ApplicationGroupIdentifier    = 'AppGroup1'
            Identifier                    = 'e7bfb303-c5f6-4028-a360-b6293d41338c'
            Description                   = 'App1 Web Api'
            AccessControlPolicyName       = 'Permit everyone'
            AlwaysRequireAuthentication   = $false
            AllowedClientTypes            = 'Public', 'Confidential'
            IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo     = 'AllDevices'
            NotBeforeSkew                 = 0
            RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled = $true
            RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders = $false
            TokenLifetime                 = 0
            IssuanceTransformRules        = @(
                    TemplateName       = 'EmitGroupClaims'
                    Name               = 'App1 User Role Claim'
                    GroupName          = 'App1 Users'
                    OutgoingClaimType  = ''
                    OutgoingClaimValue = 'User'

Example 4

This configuration will add a Web API application role with a Custom Claims Issuance Transform rule to an application group in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsWebApiApplication_CustomClaims_IssuanceTransformRules_Config

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsApplicationGroup AppGroup1
            Name        = 'AppGroup1'
            Description = "This is the AppGroup1 Description"

        AdfsWebApiApplication WebApiApp1
            Name                          = 'AppGroup1 - Web API'
            ApplicationGroupIdentifier    = 'AppGroup1'
            Identifier                    = 'e7bfb303-c5f6-4028-a360-b6293d41338c'
            Description                   = 'App1 Web Api'
            AccessControlPolicyName       = 'Permit everyone'
            AlwaysRequireAuthentication   = $false
            AllowedClientTypes            = 'Public', 'Confidential'
            IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo     = 'AllDevices'
            NotBeforeSkew                 = 0
            RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled = $true
            RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders = $false
            TokenLifetime                 = 0
            IssuanceTransformRules        = @(
                    TemplateName = 'CustomClaims'
                    Name         = 'App1 Custom Claim'
                    CustomRule   = 'c:[Type == "", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"] => issue(store = "Active Directory", types = (""), query = ";givenName;{0}", param = c.Value);'

Example 5

This configuration will add a Web API application role with access control policy parameters to an application in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsWebApiApplication_AccessControlPolicyParameters_Config

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsApplicationGroup AppGroup1
            Name        = 'AppGroup1'
            Description = "This is the AppGroup1 Description"
        AdfsWebApiApplication WebApiApp1
            Name                          = 'AppGroup1 - Web API'
            ApplicationGroupIdentifier    = 'AppGroup1'
            Identifier                    = 'e7bfb303-c5f6-4028-a360-b6293d41338c'
            Description                   = 'App1 Web Api'
            AccessControlPolicyName       = 'Permit specific group'
            AccessControlPolicyParameters = MSFT_AdfsAccessControlPolicyParameters
                GroupParameter = @(
                    'CONTOSO\AppGroup1 Users'
                    'CONTOSO\AppGroup1 Admins'