AdfsGlobalWebContent - X-Guardian/AdfsDsc GitHub Wiki
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
FederationServiceName | Key | String | Specifies the DNS name of the federation service. | |
Locale | Key | String | Specifies a locale. The cmdlet sets global web content for the locale that you specify. | |
CompanyName | Write | String | Specifies the company name. AD FS displays the company name in the sign-in pages when you have not set a logo on the active web theme. | |
HelpDeskLink | Write | String | Specifies the help desk link that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
HelpDeskLinkText | Write | String | Specifies the help desk link text that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
HomeLink | Write | String | Specifies the Home link that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
HomeLinkText | Write | String | Specifies the Home link text that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
HomeRealmDiscovery OtherOrganization DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the text for the home realm discovery description for other organization. | |
HomeRealmDiscovery PageDescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the text for the home realm discovery page description. | |
OrganizationalName DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies text for the organizational name description. | |
PrivacyLink | Write | String | Specifies the Privacy policy link that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
PrivacyLinkText | Write | String | Specifies the Privacy policy link text that is shown on the logon pages for AD FS. | |
CertificatePage DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the text on the certificate page. Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) displays the text that you specify when it prompts the user for a certificate. | |
SignInPage DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the description to display when a user signs in to applications by using AD FS. When you use Integrated Windows Authentication in the intranet, users do not see this page. | |
SignOutPage DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the description to display when a user signs out of applications. | |
ErrorPageDescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies an error message to display when a user encounters any generic errors that occur for a token request. This string can be an HTML fragment. | |
ErrorPageGeneric ErrorMessage | Write | String | Specifies an error message to display for any generic errors that occur for a token request. This string can be an HTML fragment. | |
ErrorPageAuthorization ErrorMessage | Write | String | Specifies an error message to display when a user encounters any authorization errors that occur for a token request. This string can be an HTML fragment. | |
ErrorPageDevice AuthenticationError Message | Write | String | Specifies an error message to display for any device authentication errors that occur for a token request. Device authentication errors occur when the user presents an expired user@device certificate to AD FS, a certificate is not found in AD DS, or a certificate is disabled in AD DS. This string can be an HTML fragment. | |
ErrorPageSupportEmail | Write | String | Specifies the support email address on the error page. | |
UpdatePasswordPage DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the description to display in the update password page when users change their passwords. | |
SignInPageAdditional Authentication DescriptionText | Write | String | Specifies the description to display when an application prompts a user for additional authentication. The sign-in page can also display a description that is provided by the additional authentication provider. |
The AdfsGlobalWebContent DSC resource manages the global web content objects or the global web content object that corresponds to the locale that you specify.
Example 1
This configuration will set the company name of the global web content for the invariant locale. If there is no logo, the sign-in page displays the company name Contoso.
Configuration AdfsGlobalWebContent_CompanyName_Config
Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc
Node localhost
AdfsGlobalWebContent ContosoGlobalWebContent
FederationServiceName = ''
Locale = ''
CompanyName = 'Contoso'
Example 2
This configuration will set the text to display in the sign-in pages for AD FS for the en-us locale.
Configuration AdfsGlobalWebContent_SigninPage_Config
Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc
Node localhost
AdfsGlobalWebContent ContosoGlobalWebContent
FederationServiceName = ''
Locale = 'en-US'
CompanyName = 'Contoso'
HelpDeskLink = 'http://helpdesklink'
HelpDeskLinkText = 'Help desk'
HomeLink = 'http://homelink'
HomeLinkText = 'Home'
PrivacyLink = 'http://privacylink'
PrivacyLinkText = 'Privacy statement'
SignInPageDescriptionText = 'Sign in here'
SignOutPageDescriptionText = 'Sign out here'
ErrorPageGenericErrorMessage = 'An error occurred.'
ErrorPageSupportEmail = '[email protected]'
UpdatePasswordPageDescriptionText = 'Update password here'
Example 3
This configuration will set the text and links to display when an application prompts a user prompted for a certificate for the en-us locale.
Configuration AdfsGlobalWebContent_CertificatePage_Config
Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc
Node localhost
AdfsGlobalWebContent ContosoGlobalWebContent
FederationServiceName = ''
Locale = 'en-us'
CompanyName = 'Contoso'
HomeLink = 'http://homelink'
HomeLinkText = 'Home'
PrivacyLink = 'http://privaylink'
PrivacyLinkText = 'Privacy statement'
SignInPageDescriptionText = '<p>Sign-in to Contoso requires device registration. Click <A href=''''>here</A> for more information.</p>'
SignOutPageDescriptionText = 'Sign out here'
ErrorPageGenericErrorMessage = 'An error occurred.'
ErrorPageSupportEmail = '[email protected]'
UpdatePasswordPageDescriptionText = 'Update password here'
CertificatePageDescriptionText = 'Sign in with your Smartcard'