AdfsContactPerson - X-Guardian/AdfsDsc GitHub Wiki



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
FederationService Name Key String Specifies the name of the Federation Service.
Company Write String Specifies the company name of the contact person.
EmailAddress Write StringArray[] Specifies an array of e-mail addresses of the contact person.
GivenName Write String Specifies the given name of the contact person.
Surname Write String Specifies the surname, or last name, of the contact person.
TelephoneNumber Write StringArray[] Specifies an array of telephone numbers of the contact person.


The AdfsContactPerson DSC resource manages the ADFS contact information for support isssues.


Example 1

This configuration will set the contact information in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

Configuration AdfsContactPerson_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc

    Node localhost
        AdfsContactPerson ContactPerson
            FederationServiceName = ''
            Company               = 'Contoso'
            EmailAddress          = '[email protected]'
            GivenName             = 'Bob'
            Surname               = 'Smith'
            TelephoneNumber       = '+1 555 12345678'