Setting up a platoon - WyldFurr/Bolt-Action-Platoon-Builder GitHub Wiki

Platoon Creation Step #1

Home Screen

The first screen a user will see is the start up screen where a user can begin to setup a platoon for configuration.

The user starts by giving the new platoon a name, and selecting the nationality of the platoon's forces. Tapping the nationality button sends the user to the next step.

Platoon Creation Step #2

Home Screen

Next the user must enter a points value for the force, followed by selecting which theater selector the force will use to determine which units are available to the user. Once completed, the user presses the "Start Building" button.

Platoon Creation Step #3

Home Screen

Now the user arrives at the main platoon configuration screen where each squad/team the user has selected for their platoon is displayed on a single slot. The required squads/teams are already filled in and can not be removed. There is a button to add a new squad/team to the platoon which will add a new slot that can be configured.

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