RetroBit SEGA USB Controllers - Wuerfel21/usbnew GitHub Wiki

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Exists in many different variants with different designs and more/less buttons. In particular the genesis/megadrive ones exist in a variation with and without full shoulder buttons. The version that does is labeled as "8-button" and has an additional round "MODE" button in the center.

Widely available online.

VID/PID: 0F0D/00C1

Reported by Wuerfel_21

Firmware oddities

Start+X will turn into a Mode/Select press and can never be read normally, even on versions that have a physical button. SimilarlyStart+A will turn into a HID button 13 (Home?) press.


Works with usbnew!

Perfectly, in fact.

IRQsoft emulators

These controllers have built-in mappings in both MegaYume and NeoYume

Generic PADMAP

Not needed, default layout fits, assuming you see ABXY as a 4-button cluster. CZ show up as R2/L2.