Week one reading - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

Signed and Unsigned number- Binary digits are also known as bits, which are used in mainy computer programs. The binary digits can be stored as two values 1 and 0. For 59 the binary form is 111011. Because 59 divided by 2 is 29 with a remainder of 1, then 29 divided by 2 is 18 and remainder of 1, this will continue and when we have all the remainder we will have 110111, when we flip the number then we will get the binary digit for 59. “Computer word is a unit of data with a defined bit length that a CPU can process at one go. In recent years, many machines have shifted from 32 bit word sizes to 64 bit word sizes”

For unsigned encoding, if we have 32 bits then every number from 0 and 2^32 - 1 has a unique encoding. So if there are 64 bits then we will have 2^64 - 1 to my understanding. wbit number range is 0 to 2^w-1. There are negative weights, represented as 1 in the most significant bit which are known as sign bits. When the sign bit is 1 the value is negative and when it is 0 the value is positive. Zero extension is the ability to add zero onto the left. For example 59 has 111011 which is 6 numbers and if the w in wbit is 32 we need to add 26’s 0 onto the left to make the number 32.
Sign extension-

Hexadecimal Notation- Hexadecimal has 16 values 0-9 then A-F.

Number Systems — Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal- Base- is the number of different digits or combination of digits and letters that a system of counting uses to represent numbers. For an example base 10 use number form the table above form 0-9, base 8 use number form 0-7, and base 15 use number form 0-9 and A,B,C,D,E

Youtube video- In computers they use electricity inside the microchip to either turn on or off and are represented as 1 or 0 and this is called binary. Position notation is basically the reuse of the same symbol so we don't have a million different symbol.

Note* it looked much better on my doc there are picture and other feature that Git wasn't able to paste into.