SF‐week 6‐ Lab Journal ‐ Picking Parts - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

  1. When selecting a CPU, what are 2 specifications that might prevent compatibility with software? When I was working we the lab two specifications that came up the most is the cooling and the motherboard Socket Compatibility

2.Name 2 factors that might limit which Graphics Card (GPU) you might select? The compatibility of the GPU compared to the program or game you're going to run for an example if you want to run Genshin Impact you will need GeForce GTX 1060. Also will it fit in your case? 3. When selecting a case, name 3 factors to consider? The size of your GPU, the amount of SSD you have and the number of avivale socks in the case for your storage, and the power supply.