SF‐week 12‐ Journal ‐ Hacking your MAC - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

  1. What numerical system is used to identify MAC addresses? A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number
  2. Can a MAC address stored in ROM be modified? Why or why not? A MAC address stored in ROM (Read-Only Memory) cannot be modified. ROM is a type of memory where the data is written during manufacturing and cannot be changed or modified by normal computer processes. Since ROM is designed to be read-only, the MAC address stored in it is permanent and cannot be altered.
  3. If a bad actor were to exploit a network by changing their MAC, what other information might reveal their identity?
    Ip address, fingerprint form the phone, your address where you live, Also the network that the actor is logging into mostly.