SF‐ week 4‐ Lab Journal ‐ Process Monitor - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

  1. Define 3 terms or concepts used in this lab: Processes program that is being executed by one or more threads Threads is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time Computer speed- The speed of the computer oil be slow down due to have many thread on one processes
  2. For each process in the main window, what does the Process Monitor display(column headers), other than the Process ID (PID) and explain what these are (you can look these up in an outside resource)? CPU- Show the usage of the CPU power that all the process are being used Private Bytes- is the non-shared, committed memory of your process Working Set- the amount of memory that a process requires in a given time interval Description- What’s the process for an example chrome.exe is google chrome Company Name- The name of the company that made and run the process