SF‐ Week 8‐ Lab Journal ‐ I 0 Lab #1 - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

Define or explain the following:

  1. Performance Monitor Performance Monitor is a system monitoring program that monitors various activities on a computer such as CPU or memory usage
  2. Interrupt Requests An interrupt request is a hardware signal sent to the processor that temporarily stops a running program and allows a special program, an interrupt handler, to run instead.
  3. I/O port IO port is basically memory on the motherboard that you can write/read.
  4. What are counters used for? A Counter is a device that counts the number of objects or the number of operations
  5. What is a Data Collector Set and how might it be used? A Data Collector Set organizes data collection points, such as performance counters and event trace data, into a single collection.