SF‐ Week 8‐ IO lab journal 2 - Wudong-champlain/Spring2024 GitHub Wiki

In this journal, explain how these tests might help troubleshoot system performance.

  1. Iotop Iotop helps troubleshoot system performance by monitoring real-time disk I/O usage, identifying processes causing high disk activity, and aiding in optimizing system performance.
  2. Ioping ioping is a command-line utility that helps troubleshoot system performance by measuring disk I/O latency in real-time, providing insights into the responsiveness of the disk subsystem.
  3. Iostat iostat is a command-line utility that helps troubleshoot system performance by providing detailed statistics on CPU, disk, and network I/O usage, aiding in identifying performance bottlenecks.
  4. sysbench sysbench is a command-line benchmarking tool that helps troubleshoot system performance by simulating various types of workloads, such as CPU, memory, and file I/O operations, allowing users to evaluate system performance under different conditions.