Casting constants - WoutProvost/FCNPC-AI GitHub Wiki

HomeConstantsCasting constants

  • Description: The amount in ms to continue to show the castbar after the cast has finished. If a new spell is cast while the castbar is shown extra, the castbar will be reset and will show the new values. The cast bar is not shown extra for instant spells.
  • Possible values:
    • any positive integer: Show castbar extra.
    • any negative integer or 0: Don't show castbar extra.
  • Default: 1000

  • Description: The decimal mark that should be used in floats. If the decimal mark is '.', the thousands separator will be ','. If the decimal mark is any other character, the thousands separator will be '.'.
  • Possible values: Any character, within ''.
  • Default: '.'
  • Notes:
    • Only the 2 most common systems are supported.
    • Unsupported: Custom thousands separator.
    • Unsupported: Digit grouping behind the decimal mark.
    • Unsupported: Number systems with other than 3 grouped digits.
    • Unsupported: Number systems with irregular digit grouping.

  • Description: Shorten the displayed health and mana to K when above 999, to M when above 999999 and to B when above 999999999. The numbers will be displayed as a float with 2 decimals. So if the decimal mark is '.', 1525 will be displayed as 15.25K. When below 1000 the numbers will always be displayed as an integer.
  • Possible values:
    • true: Use shortened health and mana.
    • false: Don't use shortened health and mana.
  • Default: false