Casting callbacks - WoutProvost/FCNPC-AI GitHub Wiki

HomeCallbacksCasting callbacks

FAI_OnStartCasting(npcid, spellid, targetid)
  • Description: This callback is called when an NPC starts casting a spell.
  • Parameters:
    • npcid: The ID of the NPC that is starting to cast.
    • spellid: The ID of the spell that the NPC is starting to cast.
    • targetid: The ID of the player, or INVALID_PLAYER_ID if there is none, that the NPC is starting to cast the spell on.
  • Return values: This callback does not handle returns.
  • Notes: This callback is only called when FAI_StartCastingSpell is successfully executed. It is not called when it was not successfully executed.

FAI_OnStopCasting(npcid, spellid, targetid, bool:castComplete)
  • Description: This callback is called when an NPC stops casting a spell. If FAI_OnEncounterStop is called, this callback is called as well.
  • Parameters:
    • npcid: The ID of the NPC that is stopping to cast.
    • spellid: The ID of the spell that the NPC is stopping to cast.
    • targetid: The ID of the player, or INVALID_PLAYER_ID if there is none, that the NPC is stopping to cast the spell on.
    • bool:castComplete: True if the NPC completed the cast, false if not.
  • Return values: This callback does not handle returns.